
by bryce

he said
‘my dream come true is to make your dreams come true’,
seems that Cupid’s whipped up a wicked brew,
and they that were once two, indelibly are now one.
“I am the honored son,
Of a pastor and woman of God who decided to run,
With the love that the Ancient of Days,
Placed in their beings,
I am the blessed creation,
Of two people who taught me how to love strong,
Love long,
Love right when the world is hellbent on love wrong,
He told her with tears forming,
“I am yours.
I am yours.
When my eyes close it is your form that,
Plays against my eyelids,
It is your beautiful shape,
That dances in my mind’s optics,
Even when I try to stop it,
I picture your image subtlely nodding no,
And I know,
That this is utterly right.
I’m yours baby girl tonight,
And every 24 hours from now until eternity,
I’m yours eternally,
Internally, my hearth burns for you,
Yearns for you,
Churns for you,
I am yours….”
He took her hand,
Small and delicate in his own,
And kissed it wholeheartedly,
Her skin upon his lips were mesmerizing,
And he could feel his essence rising,
He was hers.
He was hers.
The interminable flame in his soul had been lit,
And he surrendered to its heat.
To its might.
He looked deeply into her eyes.
Into her very soul,
And was pleased with the view.
“I am here for you”

She softly replied,
“Baby I’m here for you too”

