bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Month: September, 2012

The Toxic Self

So last night I dialogued with one of my closest friends about various things and we eventually bridged into some topics that really kindled my mental fire. A mutual friend of ours had posted a rather disparaging link to an article about China’s economic concerns and we were both discouraged by how few people took an interest in it. My friend proceeded to text me and ask my opinion about why more people in our age bracket don’t care about substantive things and my response was simple: ‘nobody cares about things outside of what immediately affects them”.

From there the conversation evolved into how people perceive information in the first place. She made a very poignant point: “they want to be all knowing, without knowing anything”, to which I responded “no one wants the burden of knowledge”. Knowledge carries weight, it occupies space and time, just not in this dimension. (I’m sure there are a bevy of ontologically bent philosophers that would spend time trying to unravel the mysteries of mind-body paradox at this point, but I’m going to leave that up to the readers). Knowledge directly affects this dimension in that it forces the knower to make a decision; it dictates how one will proceed from that point forward. It dominates the realm of causality because by knowing something, a person will react in a number of ways. Most importantly, however, knowledge affects this realm by heaping responsibility on the knower. If you become aware or enlightened to something, it becomes imperative that you act upon it.

From this point, Kira then asks me a question that will bring me to my ultimate points tonight. She asked, “Is that why you get frustrated, because you know so much?” Her question was in response to my explanation about people claiming to cherish the truth but really don’t and that most don’t want the responsibility. Here is where I truly launched into the nuts and bolts of my ideologies as they stand in 2012.

The burden of knowledge or information is that the end result is futility. Now this statement in and of itself would take me many posts to fully explain, however, I will attempt an abridged version. “The wise man admits that he knows nothing”, a derivation of a quote from Socrates in which he explains that he knows no more than another man. In Ecclesiastes 2:21, Qoheleth (Hebrew for teacher) who is believed to be Solomon, explains how working and seeking wisdom ends up becoming vanity. A man may labor day and night for his entire life, only to die and pass on his legacy to someone who has not worked for it. I take it a step further, someone will labor day and night for their entire life, only to see how their wisdom becomes obsolete in time. These things we discover, these ephemeral bursts of understanding, point us inevitably to my doctrine of futility. Furthermore, as we look at the complexities of human society, we see manipulative governments feeding their populous blatant lies. With imaginary constructs like race and ethnicity being pandered as concrete truths and religious factions going to war over idiosyncratic interpretations you begin to see how most human information is simply pointless.

The fact of the matter is, an overwhelming majority of what we know is futile. This is not a bad thing though because when you embrace the futility of frivolous information, you begin entering the waters of substantive thought. In the futility, in the very throes of pointlessness, the truly wise man or woman finds knowledge and more importantly implementations that benefit humankind outside of personal gain or personal self promotion. Lets face it, politics, organized religion, racial constructs? These were all tools used to force the will of one group over another. Whether an oppressive oligarchy or peace keepers simply trying to restore order, the implementation of many human normalities were paraded around as truth, but were merely fragments of it.

Any time one’s self plays a pivotal part in the attaining of information, digesting of information, or the promulgation of information, that packet of data will ultimately be futile. Why? Because the self finds ways the warp data for the sake of profit. The self is a pure opportunist whose goals if left unchecked will always boil down to self promotion. So, what is the self? Many of us are familiar with Freudian psychology which uses the id, ego, and super ego. The ego in his earliest teachings was loosely correlated with the self and the goal of this particular emanation was to please the instinctual man in the most realistic of ways, favoring things that will bring benefit rather than those that will bring grief. It is a sensical function whose attempts to maximize happiness are very reasonable. However, the problem with the self is that it peers through lenses which are are not multilateral, therefore giving way to what we classically call selfishness. Selfishness is as fundamentally human as the urge to sleep because it beckons to the functions in our DNA which have ensured our survival. If you adhere to scientific theories such as Natural Selection or various forms of Darwinism, you understand that those who protect themselves, protect their gene pool and in nature protecting one’s gene pool is paramount in a species survival. So in short, the self protects the Self so that it may live another day.

As one’s self breaks down and subsequently reiterates information, the individual will unfortunately pass along all biases, subjections, and flawed logics associated with that person’s comfort zone. That information is full of ego, yet many times the individual is not aware of the problem. Thus not only is their knowledge limited, but rarely does it reap the fruit that they’re attempting to harvest. The most disparaging part about all of this is that it isn’t as easy as “telling” someone that they need to enlighten themselves in order to release the ego, their limited self. Most people cannot readily identify any shortcoming in their mental faculties, therefore telling them only serves to offend and infuriate as is the case in virtually every argument you see or hear about. One person doesn’t like the way that another person spoke to them. They address it. Sparks fly. The problem usually is that both individuals processed the situation from the CPU of the self, the subjectively reviewed the occurrences and subsequently lashed out in a way that promoted themselves.

They acted in ignorance and as we all know, ignorance is in fact bliss. When you can merely act through how you feel at any given time without any extraneous information or excessive thought, you can rationalize virtually anything you want. Ignorance’s wellspring is the self, the ego. It doesn’t care about equality or rationale, only the propagation of what THAT person felt was right or apropos. This is the psyche behind those that cheat on their significant other. Their limited field of vision tells them that its alright to creep, even that they’re entitled to it. That man or woman will then begin coordinating actions internally which prep them for the imminent infidelity, instead of being single and playing the field. Fathers that abandon their children, drug addicts, manipulators, thieves, parasitic pastors, and so on… These are all people that thrive off the self and find ways to exercise the will of their self over others. They take information that is futile, chop it up, then feed it back to the masses as if it were utter truth.

So what is my take home point? That we need to take control of our self. This is the goal of all spiritual walks which are actually pure. Although i myself am a Christian, I respect the paths of other cultures around the world which try to diminish the self and opt for the human to be guided by the spirit. When you process information via your spirit, you begin accessing information and wisdom which is timeless and full of purpose. You let go of the nonsense of this world, political factions and who said what about you, while embracing the Truth which the Lord have woven into every fiber of our being. While the self seeks only the prosper itself, the spirit seeks to propel all mankind and ultimately anything that is alive for good. The information it processes is not petty nor is it divisive.

The last 10 fights or arguments you’ve been in have been because of the self’s incorrect processing of “knowledge”. That unfulfilling relationship you’re tied to right now has to do with the self’s cowardice and insecurity. That person that you can never seem to tolerate because they’re just ridiculous to be around has to do with the self. The problems with your parents, your kids, your cousins, brothers and sisters ALL revolve around the self’s inability to let go of what IT believes is right, regardless of how destructive it may be. To bring this point all the way back around:


Thus, you will hold on to toxic people, toxic thoughts, and toxic actions until you confront your self and force the mirror upon your eyes. Why do the ignorant prevail? Because ignorant selves enjoy looking at ignorant selves, it enjoys seeing its image. When information passes through the ignorant self’s senses it can kick out whatever the hell it wants and that is just fine with it.

My take home point: you are not always right and what you believe to be right probably doesn’t matter if you haven’t spent time enlightening yourself. Enlightenment is not reading a book. It isn’t watching a movie. It isn’t attending church, mosque, temple or synagogue. Enlightenment is seeking out ways to think about life which are outside your common thought patterns. It is embracing the fact that God created life in a spectrum and the more of that spectrum you understand, the more elegant your personal doctrines will be. Enlightenment knows to color, no guile, no deception. Loving with an enlightened heart is loving your signficant other as if tomorrow was the last day you had on earth.

All of this comes with great responsibility that many people on earth simply don’t want. They want to believe that all Muslims are terrorist and that its okay to meet up with this new guy for drinks if their boyfriend doesn’t know. They want to believe that being rich means having money and that reality TV isn’t the exploitation of banal human desires. They want to believe that God fits completely into their own personal understanding of him and anyone that detracts from what they believe is a heretic or a damnable sinner. They want to believe that dating for sport is acceptable, even if it means that the person they’ve chosen to engage will be hurt indefinitely. They want to lie as if this is an act that is okay. They want wallow in their own decisional filth, instead of accepting the responsibility and the consequences of their actions. They want to live life as if it were some cosmic trial and error and bang shit up as they go.

Don’t get me mistaken, life does require trial and error, but it does not call for the rampant destruction that follows in the wake of an ignorant person. What I want you to take from this is that the world is much bigger than what you, or even I, think. Expand your point of view and you will begin to see places where your self spews ignorance at an alarming clip.



What I think “Being a Man” is

This academic year my business partner and I are going to be mentoring and teaching at 6 high schools in a Southern California district. The program is for “at risk” minority males between the ages of 14-18 and our goal is to help them follow the appropriate trajectories to get them back on track for success. The greatest part about this venture is that we get to help young men answer a cardinal question for all males:

What does it mean to be a man.

Now this is a topic that I have written on before, I know for sure I touched on it when I wrote on gender roles in society a few months ago. But tonight I’m going to focus on what I know the most…. Males.

What is a man? First question. In “God’s Greatest Creation” I lauded women by describing them spiritually and functionally as the incubator of life. So what is man? We are indeed leaders. Very rarely will you see people reject a man who is a capable leader (besides presidential elections where nothing besides foolish subjectivity matters). But speaking to functionality: Men are the vehicle by which life meets its destiny. Each and every one of us is carrying something in his genitals which holds genetic information for the progeny of humankind. The sperm is frequently referred to as the “seed” while its counterpart, the egg, is often compared to as soil. If man is the keeper of the seed, the very propagation of his own kind, would you not expect certain behavior from us?

We are meant to be protectors, just as we protect the seed of creation within our loins. That which we protect is ultimately whatever falls onto our territory. Whether you are protecting your wife/girlfriend, your children, your business or organization, a friend etc, it is literally embedded in your subconscious to be a fierce defender of those around you. In the realm of romance this becomes translated in a variety of ways. On the surface, yes it means that you physically protect your significant other from danger or harm. You do things like walk on the side of sidewalk closest to the cars and you carry her across a puddle. However, in a more intangible, symbolic way the protection that a man offers his spouse revolves around the concept of peace and emotional safety.

When I was 18 I used to swear up and down that I knew myself wholly. I was as wrong as a white supremacist as Roscoe’s. However, what I did understand at an early age was a man’s duty to be a haven for those he loves. As I’ve said in prior posts, one of the compliments I’ve received for years is that women feel safe around me; that everything is going to be alright. Although I took pride in it, this is really something that every man should have embedded into his psyche. The greatest fathers are the ones that regardless of how hard shit is hitting the fan, can instill some semblance of hope in the minds of their family. The greatest CEO’s can continually keep morale at effective levels, even through tough times. That is part of a “man’s job”.

Men should also be willing providers. What type of dude is content sitting on his ass while his significant other goes out and acts as the breadwinner? I’m not saying that every woman deserves Louis Vuitton bags and Christian Louboutin shoes, because once again the key is being aligned with the heart of your spouse. When you are dating someone you should be probing their subconscious and conscious and truly getting to know who they are. From there you will better understand what it is that they want. Perhaps “providing” for her means emotional stimulation by means of poetry or song. Perhaps it means taking her out to the woods so she can reconnect with her earthy roots. Or perhaps its a timely vacation. The idea is the man knows when and what she needs and subsequently wants then devises a way for her to receive it.

Women are not fragile, little butterflies with delicate wings (well some of them are and so are a lot of men), so we need to very quickly remove the damsel in distress archetype from our collective consciousness. Regardless, women are gifts to be protected. I have a group of homegirls whom I love dearly and I take it upon myself to uplift as much as possible. This could be a simple “let’s go out” or something more substantive. Sometimes I just get on the phone or into the car with them just to listen to what they have going on. They trust me with their feelings and I make sure I am a ample protector of them. Being a man has nothing to do with putting your dick into everything you see, any boy can do that. More importantly, any boy can see how that’d be enticing.

So what about sex? How does sex factor into everything? Let’s be real, the vast majority of my readers, irrespective of age or religious backgrounds are sexually active and not all of us are in formal committed relationships. So sex is a major factor whenever you are talking about gender or their roles. Who should be dominant, who should be submissive? So on. My response to that is whatever brings the most pleasure. That’s not what I want to focus on, I instead want to point to how a man should conduct himself with someone he loves and is involved with. Sex changes things, makes the relationship as a whole more volatile, therefore, as a protector one must act as a gate keeper for passion. Instead of squandering sex as a “notch on the belt” practice, a man should openly accept the feelings, emotions, and overall intensity that comes with it. If you are choosing to engage in sex, something I am not condoning nor denouncing, then take it upon yourself to love every ounce of that woman you’re with. As the protector of passion, you should make every breath she breathes align with your own and after the intimacy is done understand the beauty in the smoldering embers of after-passion. You will learn much about yourself and your mate if you are listening at the right times.

Whoever said men aren’t supposed to cry was a dipshit. The expression of emotions is pivotal for anyone’s personal balance, regardless of whether they openly cry or transmute that emotion into something else like art or sports. All humans were made in the image of God and it says in the New Testament that before Jesus was crucified he wept blood. Those are some intense tears. Jesus here serves as a role model for those that believe that a man’s strength is supposed to stem from some faux bravado. No, a man’s strength comes from inner solace and a peace which persists through any occasion. A man’s strength comes from his own self actualization. A man’s strength comes from his burning desire to take care of his house and home. A man’s strength comes from the utter joy he experiences when he looks at the love of his life, his children, his mother, and his own father. All of that comes from God Himself, who has blessed us with the ability to live life and live it more abundantly.

A man is a champion in his home and outside in his community. He is a force to be reckoned not because of his physical prowess, but because of intangible characteristics that are spiritually and emotionally sensed. In his eyes burns a fire of duty, a passion to create for himself the life he so chooses. A man seeks God through all things and finds comfort in his Heavenly Father. One of my fantasies about love is being at the altar worshiping God with my wife right next to me…… On a Friday night. As a man I take pride in praising my Creator and his divine progeny Christ Jesus. I look to his 33 years on this earth as a testament to passion; after all the Bible says that the Church is Christ’s bride, therefore he teaches us explicitly how to be a man.

You don’t need to be Rambo or Superman to fulfill your duties as a man. You just need to be dedicated. That which you’re dedicated to must reach beyond the needs of your youth. You gotta let go of “fucking bitches and getting money”. That should shift to “cherishing the woman that holds me down and building wealth”. I know a lot of cats are big on marriage and that’s their prerogative, but you don’t have to be recognized by the state as a husband in order to act like you have some goddamn sense. Men treat all other men with equality, even if they are not equal in the observed realm. Men are mentors, they father those who are coming up after them so that the youths don’t fall into the same pits.

I’m not just kicking out this froufrou nonsense in order to sound politically correct, I’m speaking all of this in truth. Being a man is all about one’s identity under God and then acting like a leader in this realm. Its acting in wisdom and understanding, looking beyond differences, and forging the way for better shit in the future.

That’s what I consider to be a man and that’s the man that I try to grow into everyday.


Recreational Dating

I begin this post by saying that everyday a little bit more of the world makes sense to me, while a little bit also slips away. This year I unintentionally embarked on a journey of self discovery that has brought me to mental & emotional places I wasn’t ready for a year ago. Places that are ominous and completely pernicious to the heart and mind of the sojourner. However, these are places that many of us begin…. They are metaphysical locales that are the result of immaturity and ignorance and they are riddled with paths that can further your descent into the “mire” of life.

Recreational dating. It is the world of courtship many of us know all to well. Boyfriends, girlfriends, honeymoon phases, infatuation’s, breakups, and mourning processes. It is a plane of existence that is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe; it seems to permeate every cell of the young person’s condition, since each and every one of us is knows that intimacy is as pivotal to personal balance as anything else. However, there are inherent dangers to recreational dating. It is a drug, one of the most powerful stimulant and barbiturate known to the human conscious experience. We tend to get high on feelings quite often. The sensation of winning a game or the excitement of riding a ride at a theme park. Feelings are to the heart what intelligence is to the mind; each give the organ a reason to exist. Recreational dating comes with its own set of feelings, different highs & moments of intoxication. Recreational dating is a designer drug, a cooked up substance which offers temporary satisfaction, but ultimately results in an overwhelming crash, colloquially referred to as heartbreak.

What exactly is recreational dating? It is exactly what the title implies, courtship for cosmetic purposes. Shallow, partially involved, underwhelmingly superficial attempts at substantive connections. It is a state of interpersonal exchange in which one or both parties engage with intentions that do not include long term plans. For some people, recreational dating is completely fine, maybe even healthy, and can result in positive, long lived emotional connections. However, for most people, recreational dating causes substantially more damage than it benefits. The most salient culprit is the reality of “unevenness”, or the realization that one person, for one reason or another, is entirely more devoted to the cultivation of the connection than the other.

What occurs from this unevenness leads to the quintessential disintegration of the relationship and all the drama that stems from it.

So why am I bringing this all up tonight? Because I want to revisit a topic I wrote heavily on 2 years ago on this blog’s predecessor Fresh Kid Jive Right, commitment. Recreational dating is the byproduct of noncommittal actions. Commitment is a loaded word, rife with emotional nuance and varying senses of duty. It encompasses loyalty, responsibility, and passion. In reference to love, it also describes a state of emotive stability, in that the one who commits no longer has a fluctuating heart. When discussing “true love”, committing usually implies someone you willingly choose to serve. Your love for them surpasses any admiration you feel towards any other person. You aren’t worried about meeting someone else because your heart is permanently occupied by the man or woman you’ve chosen to commit to.

Sounds great, right? Well it is, as long as you clear a few prerequisites. The most important is knowing yourself. One must truly know themselves before they can talk about commitment or else they will not know who or what they can commit to. This is the leading cause of detrimental recreational dating. You will have one person who, unknowingly, be absolutely oblivious to who they truly are. They will eagerly engage in intimacy, have a change of heart, change in spirit, wake up in a cold sweat — whatever the case — and often times leave their committed paramour in a state of devastation. Another prerequisite for commitment is a bilateral balance; both people must be equal and ready to engage one another, or at least somewhat close to it. Critics of this point of view might say something like “my best friends were in two completely different worlds when they got together. He was a player & she was totally devoted, how would that be remotely equal.” My response is simple, even if they were not outwardly equal, clearly their inward parts were. There was a willingness that, even if over time, was able to come to fruition between two open parties.

Recreational dating is something I denounce, however, its practically impossible to avoid, like politics. My friend who doesn’t agree with any of this once asked me “how do you expect to get a meaningful relationship if you don’t choose to date and go through the girlfriend phase?” She raised a good point in that my point of view would seem to remove critical points from the conventional dating method. However, I stand firm to my tactics.

Basically I only recreationally date on the most superficial levels of courtship. This includes flirting, hanging out, partying, grabbing drinks etc. I keep communication open between myself and the young woman so all intentions are understood. In this phase I am absolutely, undeniably, completely unexclusive. I am hanging out with whomever I please and I don’t really care if she is as well. It is only fair. Selfish niggas always try to monopolize a girl’s time, even when their intentions are not pure. I adhere to the golden rule. Let’s say a few weeks or months go by and I’m really feeling this chick. I will once again maintain open communication and let my feelings be known. This is the time that you should be probing that person to see if they TRULY know themselves. Ask them about their future, their family, their goals, their views on God, etc. Then probe yourself, see how you feel about each answer. Pray. Ask God for wisdom and more importantly understanding. I’m all about following your heart, but first you gotta follow your spirit man. During this time of introspection and discovery of her, I will have willingly chosen to be exclusive. If she has captured my eye enough for me to get to know her then no other woman really matters. That’s just me though. If throughout this process I continue feeling, seeing, and following greenlights then I will know that she is for me, then and ONLY then will I enter into a relationship. The next relationship I’m in will not fail nor end in a breakup.

So what is the different between my method and the recreational dating world? Mine requires a lot of communication & an equal amount of spousal-self discovery. It gives ample time and opportunity for two people not meant to be together to work out their problems civilly. It forces the heart to consult the spirit. But most important, it forces accountability. It may seem unnecessarily tedious to some readers and rightfully so, I am a bit of a neurotic; I’m also a personal control freak. So this type of thinking is right up my alley. However, for all of you who are single and have experienced heartbreak, think of a system in which worthless ass, deadbeat niggas would be weeded out just as quickly as they enter? A way of thinking in which women who were about a goddamn thing would be exposed without all the collateral damage?

It isn’t complicated. Recreational dating makes the resulting feelings and grieving process complicated. It leaves you with a sense of emptiness.

Even if you don’t agree I hope that this will inspire some of you to come up with your own way of dating, so that we as a young generation can change some of the paradigms that accompany courtship.


The Lies They’ve Weaved: American Politics

I’m going to try my hardest to not sound like a radical, leftist conspiracy theorist, but I do believe that certain things must be touched on as we gear up for this next presidential election.

A sickening amount of things we see on TV are literally lies. LIES, people. LIES.

Let me be straight to the point, there is no such thing as bipartisan politics in America, except within the minds of us, the constituents. Bipartisantism is a system of thinking which creates the illusion of choice. It is an illusory construct whose sole purpose is to give the voter the comfort of thinking they had a say in the way their country is being run. I don’t doubt that Republicans, the traditional right, and Democrats, the traditional left, have opposing views. Conservatives tend to be more concerned about commerce and capitalism while Democrats tend to speak towards social justice and general liberality. Trust me, I get it. When you elect your Congressional representative or Senator, you will classify him as liberal or conservative based on his or her views; a very understand system of deduction.

But that my friend is where the veil of 2 party politics disintegrates. I used to be an avid Illuminati theorist and although I wouldn’t say that I’m no longer a believer, I’ve just begun following more — evolved, ways of describing the power elite structure. See the problem with mankind is our inability to look at several planes simultaneously. We tend to lock into one observational arena & blot out or severely diminish the others at play. I want you to take a moment to look at our world objectively, as unbiased as possible as I paint for you the world we’ve lived in for the last several centuries.

Humans are fundamentally opinionated creatures, even when their opinions hold no valuable merits to the community at large. Many of their ideas may even be detrimental to the populous; however, due to their penchant for individuality and fundamental right to one’s own thoughts, those ideas will flourish within the chasms of the thinker’s mind. As civilization progresses, various powers rise and fall. Religions go to war and nation pits itself against nation. Out of the entropy that is human evolution various key figures begin positing themselves and their kin into positions of influence. They begin creating banking systems, industrial practices, institutions of high learning, political policy, and other necessary legislative implements. They forge a world based on their vision.

After all, the world needs direction right? These influential patriarchs and matriarchs continue creating a world in which they can continue to be in power. Are they so wrong? To the common man, yes, of course, they have monopolized power. They have created oligarchies under the guises of republics. But what would you do under similar circumstances? If you took an entire hemisphere out of a Dark Age and lead them into the proverbial “enlightenment”? Would you squander your power? Divvy it up amongst the profane, arcane, ignorant people that make up your constituency? Would you truly allow for a total democracy, in which every man, even the uneducated farmer who knows nothing about legislation or diplomacy, have a say in how the country is ran?

Most importantly, would you, given your access to information, truly allow for a world in which you couldn’t help mold it for centuries to come? Hell, half of us who own companies want our children and our children’s children to maintain the reigns on our corporations, so legacy shouldn’t be that hard to fathom. But why are we so obsessed with this Nepotistic megalomania? Because it ensures “stability”.

Moreover, in this country, we have complex systems of ethics and senses of duty which tend to vary by socioeconomic status, race, or religion. As I’ll explain later this furthers the divide between people and ultimate the divide between the common man and the power elite.

Mankind is radically unstable. Intolerant. Inherently divisive. Although we possess the power to unite, unity is made more and more volatile when multiple personalities are allowed to contribute to its fabrication. Don’t believe me? Look at Civil Rights. What started out as a crusade for the emancipation of black people from systematic social oppression, split into a methodological war of practices. Militants felt that violence was a necessary implement, pacifists elected for peaceful protest and nonviolence. Those further broke up as each group pinpointed errors in the organizations machination. Although unity was present, it was tentative and fragile.

This is where mankind currently resides. We are an organism whose sentience is so far evolved that we in free societies are allowed to make arbitrary judgments literally at will. When fascism and totalitarianism, the “answers” to human velleity arose, they also exposed nuances in human cognition. Man is not a creature to be caged, we are far too expressive, far too diverse to ever succumb to true oppression of any kind.

So the result is a power elite, often referred to as the Illuminati, which are no more than several ultra powerful individuals trying to retain control over a globe and a people who cannot be controlled directly. They must be given illusions. They must be placed in a “matrix” so that their subordination is imminent, simply because they do no know they are being controlled. For those of you who have kids or have teenage brothers & sisters, how many times do you have to get creative in order for them to listen? If you tell them directly what to do or no to do, they will often rebel or simply not listen. However, if you give them the illusion of choice, they because infinitely more compliant.

Let’s jump ahead to modern day America. Most people erroneously believe that all the power in the world in the hands of those with money — incorrect –, its in the hands of those that control the debt. If you can control a nation’s debt, you can control their legislation, their economic policies, and even their workforce. Thus the system of the bank is not about tangible money, that’s nothing more than fiat currency, but instead controlling subordination on an international level. Money does not exist. It has no real value… But debt does. Money is used to organize a basic need in human nature, the art of the exchange. However, debt taps in to the very core of basic human interaction. When you owe someone, you may be inclined to do anything to clear that debt.

America is not run by the president, Congress, or any of the traditional branches we studied as kids. It and every other country within the global foray is ran by those who control the world’s debt. They are bankers, CEO’s, chairman, chief strategists, and hedge fund gurus. Its their lobbyists and PAC’s that create the true political milieu. Don’t be fooled.

They parade around a black man because he was instrumental in restoring nationalism to marginalized groups. He became the newest face, the newest puppet, for his shadowy task masters. He MUST uphold the illusion, he MUST follow the instructions laid out before him. Because quite frankly, Clinton was fucking shit up before Bush. Bush was fucking shit up royally before Obama and Obama has inherited a mess he has no intentions of cleaning because it is not time for it to be cleaned yet. Does he actually have some good ideas? Of course and I’m sure the powers that be do allow him and Congress a bit of legislation making, just enough to keep die hard patriots happy with their trivial arguments. Those are the people that are “pro-Obama” or “pro-Bush” and actively attempt to pin down the reason why American politics actually exist.

Big claims right? How can I substantiate any of this? Well these are things that one would have to go research for themselves, go visit sites like Washington’s Blog but I’ll give you one financial anomaly and let you decide the rest for yourself. The Federal Reserve is our central bank which masquerades as a Federal entity, but is in fact, a privatized mega financial institution which is owned and operated by the same entities its supposed to regulate. They establish interest rates for our country, track inflation, deflation, stagflation, and so on. The same people that sit on the Board are people who also hold chairs at the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Affairs, and attend the Bilderberg Group meetings. They meet at the Bohemian Grove and talk policy off the record with many of the world’s dignitaries. These are men of great reputation, but they are men who maintain the “system” of debt that currently regulates our world.

THEY are who Obama answers to. They are who Bush answered to. They are who Clinton and all his predecessors answered to. Their names read like a who’s who of human history: Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, Windsor’s, and du Pont’s et al. It doesn’t matter how well coiffed the man in the suit is or how great it is to see a black woman stand by her spouse. Those are trivial socioeconomic conversational pieces between small minded, stagnated individuals. The fact is our country has never been “hijacked”. It has never been “overtaken”. Since its inception, this nation has been a bed of lies. Here’s another point: We are NOT a Christian nation. Our founding fathers were Deists and Theists, many of whom were straight up agnostic. The Christianization of this nation didn’t occur until the revival explosions which began around the 1830’s. No matter how many ideologues have been praised throughout the annals of American history lessons, our country has always been a country of systematic deceit.

The deceit was then exacerbated by 19th century racism and general ignorance. Then it was taken to frenetic proportions in the 1900s with information being borne on sheaves of books. By the time the TV and internet era had come along, all of the loose ends the power elite needed to control were well within their grasps. The media is owned by the same men that rub shoulders with the ultra rich monarchs of this world.

In short, do the REAL research about our world. For 30 minutes forget about being black, white, asian, mexican, or middle eastern and realize you live in a world whose moves are dictated by chess masters. They orchestrate wars and plan out regional instability. They retain power the same way you probably would if you were in their shoes — by marrying other rich bastards. They determine who will win elections. They determine when civil unrest will reach a perigee. The list goes on. So stop deluding yourself with fables of Hope and Change at the mouths of charismatic politicians and start arming yourself with logic. The actual legislative work we see, the bullshit peddled on television is processed, it is not original and it is not the truth. If I were to use a metaphor it would be like this: the power elite pick all the toys we as people get to play with. They only set aside a few toys for us, then hide the rest of the trove from the masses. Politicians then come along and play within the toys allocated by the power elite and pretend as if they actually have control. Furthermore, if you were to talk to a Senator or big time politician, they even admit that its all for show. Behind closed doors, even the most mortal of “enemies” light cigars and exchange “policy” over Manhattan’s. It is all a facade!!!

If we are to do anything substantive in this world, it is to create tumors within the system. Pockets of counterculture which mirror the system, but are based on principles of equality and merit. We must take back our lives by understanding the difference between riches and wealth and ultimately how to annihilate personal debt.

These people have been enslaving cultures for years, the only way to emancipation is through mental, spiritual, and emotional liberation. But let me not fool you, we will not see true global enlightenment in our lifetimes. There will be strife and turmoil as a the war is waged for freedom. But with that freedom will come great consequence. Schisms, more wars, and more division. Until we truly evolve as a species we will constantly find ourselves as either slaves or enemies to one another…

Politics is simply a vehicle by which millions choose enslavement.


The “24” Post

As some of you may know, I celebrated my 24th birthday this past Friday & as is customary, I’ve been reflecting on everything I’ve learned these past 365 days. Another year older, another year wiser right? Well yea, something like that. I’m just going to go over how I feel about a few things… Love, life, mental liberation…

About this time last year I developed The Lemniscate Theory, a general life philosophy, then followed it up with the Infinity Paradox. The Lemniscate Theory states that all humans are infinite beings, with infinite potential, within the parameters of life. It serves as a harbinger of success, by establishing the appropriate mind set. This was offset by its counterbalance, the Infinity Paradox, which explains that something that approaches infinity, as is true with human potential, it becomes worthless without activation. One can be immensely talented but that talent means nothing if not acted upon. From the Lemiscate & the Paradox, I delved deeply into the essence of passion. Passion, at least how I described it, is a pursuit in which the individual accepts all responsibility, stress, pain, joy, rewards, consequences, and above all — fulfillment — because they truly love that thing. Passion is insatiable and impervious to failure. I posited that once someone tapped into their passion, a source of energy more powerful than a million nuclear reactors, they would be on the fast track to true satisfaction.

This was all back in November of last year. I’ve spent the months since then asking myself several elemental questions. As I saw everything I’d built begin to crumble, I wondered if such simplified models were really plausible in everyday reality. Reality is a tricky construct when you really think about it. I tend to look forward to macro events, holidays, deadlines, or special occasions, while mitigating the drama of the day to day. The problem is one must be as fastidious & scrupulous with the mundane as with the salient. The day to day is just as important because time itself makes no delineation between significant & insignificant. It merely rides the intrinsic energy of itself, that infinitely complicated Algorithm, quantum probability, until our time here expires. With this paradox and all of the other idiosyncrasies around me, I began to grow weary of just how little value things truly have. I looked at things around me and saw utter, perennial futility. I looked at my passions, looked at my own actualized potential, compared it to those in my immediate proximity and to those more distal and could see nothing about life that seemed worth it. I thought to myself, daily we all strive to find ourselves in a world where very little matters and that which “matters” is 100% in the eye of the beholder. I became embittered and more caustic in my personal dispositions…

This leads me to love. Over this last year, my romantic pursuits have been rather customary… Many women, little substance, disappointing endings. However, what did shift was my long term response to them. Gone were the days of Bryce the Hopeless Romantic and arrived were the days of Bryce the Hollow Skeptic. I’ve reached a point in my life where I no longer experience developed feelings of adoration, but moreso wisps of attraction and general compassion. I began seeing the world and consequently the women in it, as a system with organisms which unfortunately exist outside of my currently occupied planes of extant thought and flourishing. No matter how much I love or loved, I could never quite bring that woman’s orbit to a satisfactory eccentricity. Though I could (and can) feel the deep feelings I have for those I enjoy, it is a hollow experience. Like feeling yourself consuming delicious food but receiving absolutely no nutrients from it.

It was then I realized I was experiencing a terrifying schism within me. On one side, the romantic (through whom I wrote many of my recent posts) and the new realistic which in actuality dominates my psyche.

They are both true emanations of myself and they compete ceaselessly for control of my perception. The result has been something on the order of schizophrenia. More precisely, I’ve lost much of the “black & white”-ness that used to be my cognition. I see things in extraordinary depth now in the form of a spectral aggregation of all hues. I have an intriguing view on “right vs wrong” and an ever developing philosophy on how to live in general. I rely heavily on deus ex machina; however, I also have worked tirelessly to explain all the other more practical alternatives as well.

To sum up my approach to life at age 24 it would be a very simple statement: “its all good”. I see everything, EVERYTHING as both futile and substantive all at once. The romantic which has been the crux of my juvenile meditation has unfortunately had to evolve and adapt to the world I’ve seen in these last few years. From the highs like professional accomplishment, to the lows like broken romance, I have had to acknowledge all sides of life’s ever expanding polygon. So in a sense, I still hold true to many of my old belief systems; however, I yield to the understanding that they are not “right” nor will they necessarily play out the way that I’ve been taught they would. Hard work doesn’t always necessarily pay off. Good things don’t necessarily come to those who wait. And so forth.

So my grand epiphany at nearly a quarter century??? : I am currently undergoing a process known as… Drumroll please… REORGANIZATION. There’s a really, really fancy word for reorganization.. Wait for it: maturation. I’m growing up and realizing many of the childlike thoughts I used to harbor are being juxtaposed next to these more realistic — cynical — incites as I’m subjected more and more to the neutral and negative aspects of adulthood. I still believe in passion, I still believe in true love.. However, life is not always as accommodating to these concepts as I’d like. Women are still the most beautiful creature, however, in a society which honors the beautiful and praises the licentious, much foolishness runs rampant in our people. Politicians, church leaders, business leaders are now being seen for what they truly are… Human. Humans which fall prey to the everyday temptations we all do.

So my “24” post ends with this:

I’m am not lost,
But I am certainly not found,
My feet are not in the air,
But they are certainly not on the ground,
The heart of the young lover
Still beats with maudlin vivacity,
Yet my emotions no longer reach full capacity,
With alarming alacrity,
I’ve turned my back on the,
Ways of thinking that used to be like sap to me,
They oozed from my orifices,
But now things are happening,
My ass is a massive vast casket,
A vacuous store of information
Whose designation,
Is only to make sense.
When the cents fall short,
And the fence stands high,
And your heart feels vacant,
And your fears feel nigh,
You should know you are rapidly approaching,
Rapt satisfaction wrapped in
Action that had to occur,
So you could succor the infant that was inside of you.
Or should I say inside of me,
Because in spite of me,
Fending off emotions of being unhappy,
I’m grabbing components,
Joining compartments,
Sounding alarms and
Riding the storms,
To a place that only duress and the pressed mind gain access.
I’ve rapped in excess about passion,
Donning the fashion so one can enter this life’s paradise,
But this life is like a pair of dice cast decisively into the cosmos,
You’ll roll a few snake eyes,
And the Snake’s eyes will make haste reprise,
All because you my guy are experiencing the road to the I’s.

At 24, I am finally entering the realms for God to truly transform me. I am a blank slate and it feels absolutely terrifying but utterly liberating.
