bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Month: July, 2013

Satisfaction Realized: Lover’s Pursuit

Should all people aspire to get married? Is marriage the ultimate expression of love? How does one define being in love? We are all after the same things in life, to feel loved, accepted and be important in someone’s life, that is the impetus behind romantic encounters. But what does LOVE really look like?

Human nature is the essence and spirit that is persistent in all of us; it is unchanging, unyielding, and the truest expression of humanity in our knowable universe. Human condition, our day to day actions, reactions and responses, constitute a different part of our being, it is the projection of life that we experience on a day to day basis and it is fundamentally UNreal and prone to interpretation. Thus, human condition facilitates the differences between people; our nature is shared ergo identical, however, the way that nature is expressed, the condition, varies from person to person, interpretation to interpretation. This explains why we all essentially want the same things, yet, how we choose to realize it differs.

Love is an action not a feeling.

Love is the amalgam of two infinite beings bound by intractable passion.

Love is the sensation of returning home to the arms of your best friend, lover, and confidant every night.

Love is never-ending agreement to uphold, protect, and nurture the mind, body, and spirit of those involved.

Human nature aspires to have this type of a connection. We all do. The problem is, our nature is generally incommensurable to our condition. As aforementioned, our natures are identical and constant, however, our conditions are interpretive and dynamic. Our conditions are affected by our experiences; we are a product of developmental, experiential, and a slew of other -al’s which create the diversity within populations. Therefore, we choose to express our nature’s desires differently. Although we all wish to find love that persists beyond all known and unknown dimensions, that does not automatically assume we will all choose to be married.

This phenomenon exists because of an anomaly in our social workings. Individually, we are nonlinear beings, with nonlinearity meaning there are no consistent outcomes even if the factors were identical. (For example, you have two children that grow up in the same house, yet have radically different feelings about the parents. Although the factors or variables were essentially the same, the outcomes were different.) However, as people come together we must communicate effectively and productively, therefore we must aggressively counteract our preponderant nonlinearity. No society can be had if no consistency is created, the religion, judicial systems, educational systems, politics, language etc MUST be created for coherence. We attempt to create linearity by standardizing our nonlinear expressions, out of which we derive reality, a series of best guesses, and normalcy, the average of those best guesses within a population.

Marriage is nothing more than an attempt at linearity. It is a noble, albeit desperate, attempt at reconciling our nonlinear conditions with our nebulous nature. Marriage does not constitute love.

Most marriages, especially in America, are not built or founded on love, instead they are erected on insecurity, convenience, or some other emanation which eventually mimics love. Two people must understand the principles of trust, passion, agreement, and consummate dedication before they can even begin to understand the sensation that is love. Moreover, our conditions send out false flags and signals out of ignorance, it desperately wants to achieve singularity with its nature, yet it has been bombarded with so much information over the years that it will do anything — lie, fabricate, or settle, to achieve that.

Satisfaction and fulfillment are words I tend to use instead of ‘happiness’. Happiness is an anemic term. It is flimsy. It is tepid. Satisfaction and fulfillment are levels of enlightenment that come with deep meditation and understanding the world around you. Love is a part of fulfillment as it satisfies a basic drive within our nature. From love, you connect to your partner, you drink their essence, you occupy the deepest parts of their being.

Love is intrinsically anti-egoic. It is the relinquishing of self so that understanding can permeate one’s being. You diminish yourself and uplift your partner. You let go of arrogance and haughtiness to become one with him or her.

However, our conditions have degenerated because the see the pain and destruction that such a connection can reap. Most of us are highly defensive, suspicious, and even adversarial when it comes to matters of our heart. We instead opt for less noble releases of emotion, pseudo-intimacy, through sex, dating, or other emanations. The world spends more time playing games around the concept of love than fully engaging it…

But this is how things are, that in effect captures perfectly the reality around our nonlinearity.

My partner, soulmate, illumined paramour — whatever I want to call her, occupies a space in me and I perhaps haven’t even met her; her identity has yet to be revealed to me. Yet, I know that our connection will run deeper than the mightiest trench because of what has been revealed to me about satisfaction and love. My best friend and I have a running joke that we are going to date our wives well into our marriage. Sing to them, write them poetry, make her a monarch amongst maidens simply because of our gratefulness to her existence.

She embodies deep knowledge, she is light expressed, fulfillment engaged.

That, my friends, is one of the facets of satisfaction’s realization.



Stop Making Stupid People Famous

I would be lying if I didn’t acknowledge my desire to be “famous” someday. By fame I am alluding to the phenomenon of being widely known and quite frankly, my field of practice is made more effective by social awareness. Hell, my company is called VB ICON, a not so subtle descriptor of what I set out to do on a daily basis: create icons and by proxy become an icon myself…

I just like every other human being suffer from cognitive biases that directly affect how I see the world and thus how I behave within it. There are dozens of cognitive biases ranging from self serving biases to curse of knowledge biases, one needs only to fire up Wikipedia to see just how messed up our psyches are.

During the last few weeks, I have been presenting my readers my views on the illusory nature of reality; I have essentially deconstructed the notion of reality as concrete and have offered a much more plastic view of “life”. I have a problem myself though, I am deluded just like the rest of us into believing the products of my confusion. For millennia, societies were governed by the laws of metaphysics sometimes called natural laws, which were by nature highly qualitative and generally disseminated through the church or some other spiritual governing body. We were the consumers of superstition and hearsay and consumed by the nature of oracular knowledge. Then came science…

Science has been the formalized study of all things. It has been man’s way of standardizing the known universe and consequently creating a standard for discovering the unknown parts of the universe. Whether that be psychological, biological, or physical (the work of physicists), the nature of all these fields of study have remained rather consistent: sober, rigorous study of content.

However, metaphysics has still persisted, mostly borne on wings of uneducated, undisciplined minds and what has been the result is a cornucopia of existential views, a world in which layers of interpretation have replaced structured dogma and the consumption of information for the purpose of validating said perceived views.

The similarity between times of olde and this current era are an interesting foray into the persisting nature of humanity: we still look to figures of authority to guide our views. However, in a world in which interpretation and variance are the norm, the amount of “authorities” on subjects is startling.

Stop Making Stupid People Famous

Our societies have always enjoyed entertainment. The Greeks had plays. The baroque periods were noted by their concerts and art. Upon these entertainment media, those talented few that commanded the attention of enthralled audiences began to exert influence over the masses.

This has been amplified to the nth degree by our technology laden culture. We have had more “influential” figures rise and fall in the last decade than probably the previous thousand years combined. The insidious part is that the influence of the individual, be it a musical artist, businessperson, or actor transcends the boundaries of their famed craft: people begin looking to them as authorities on everything.

This is fine when you have a celebrity who is somewhat informed, but it becomes laughable when a profane buffoon becomes a wildly followed “philosopher” of religion, politics, or scholastic pursuits. Their image is easily recognizable by the masses and with that social inertia they are able to affect the minds of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, with a few strokes of the keyboard or a guest appearance.

The cause of this ties back to the second and third paragraphs of this post, metaphysics and the human mind. While we are indeed governed by rational logic, we are the inheritors of a broken world whose existence is hinged upon collective agreements. I have portrayed collective agreements as something completely imaginary and easily removed, but the contrary is quite true. Reality, or collective agreements among people, is among the most powerful, albeit vacuous, force known to us currently. Reality is based upon what is plausible and plausibility is all most of us need to make a decision. The resulting outcomes may be highly arbitrary, but to the individual thinker and up the chain to a regional or national populace, this becomes 100% concrete.

I suffer from many cognitive biases, character flaws, the most potent being a private superiority complex, egocentric biases, illusions of asymmetry biases, and a general rejection of the world as fundamentally flawed and concordantly futile. As such, I spend most of my days abrogating conventional logic citing it as the workings of delusional minds and attempting to create alternate realities that I believe are superior. This of course is a fallacious task as I am also inherently flawed and thus whatever I generate will reflect my own biases and delusions, not unlike the world I fight against.

Celebrities often times suffer from the same delusions of grandeur as I do. They are no more qualified to speak on matters of “reality”, yet the world devours their insights as fundamentally worth more, regardless of how fallacious that conclusion may be. As beings who are as incorporeal as we are flesh and bone, social inertia operates similar to the principles of gravity. The more aware people are of you or your belief systems, the more potent they become in the world.


We are all imperfect creatures, so we end up looking to creatures that are albeit imperfect, but much more “successful” than ourselves and subsequently ascribe to them features of goodness encompassing their being, this is known as the “halo effect”. For a person like me, haughty, equally delusional, and petulant, I cannot willingly follow an imperfect person and I don’t care what they’ve accomplished. Unless that individual is personally helping me, as in giving me access to whatever empire they’ve managed to create, their existence — and transitively success — has very little to no effect on me.

The trappings of an extremely arrogant individual, but there is something to be said about the way I view things. If we were all to adopt a stripped down version of this, how many “celebrities” would be influential? Hypothetical, I know, but an interesting notion nonetheless. If we all stopped worshipping the effigies of these people who care nothing about us, who aren’t any better than us, and happen to be the benefactors of good timing and flat out luck, would we be able to better process information?

My humble petition for this world is that we stop venerating fools for their entertainment value. Although entertainment is necessary for a human to healthily flourish, you cannot give buffoons additional access to social currency. What I am asking for is effectively impossible because it would require a unitary mindset and a slew of other agreements that are just not likely to occur in our or any of our successors lifetimes. Snooki was recently paid tens of thousands of dollars to speak at Rutgers University. People vehemently swear by the unscrupulous rantings and ravings of Rihanna. They crave the “love” between Jay-Z and Beyonce or applaud the disgusting antics of the Perez Hilton’s of the world. Financiers cling desperately the words of Jon Hilsenrath and shake in prepubescent anxiety for the declaration the royal seed…

I discuss the halo effect a little more later in this post, but let me key you in on another interesting phenomenon of celebrity worship: its very existence compounds itself. A woman who would be someone attractive as a non-celebrity is adored for her beauty as a celebrity. A man who is a decent businessman, is lauded for his commercial acumen as a celebrity. And so on.

We are influenced so easily and the sad part is that most of us have the best of intentions. We are not willingly ignorant or trying to propagate social stupidity, but the composition of our cognitive faculties are complex.

One painful observation of my approach is how can one really call another stupid in a world which is imaginary anyway? If things are intrinsically illusory, infinitely plastic, and all matters of interpretation on highly qualitative subjects are equally valid, then how can I call another stupid without citing my own clear cut hypocrisy? Humans are creating the world we live in, one that is mostly devoid of universal truths, so are you, bryce, implying that there is some arbitrary hierarchy to existential contribution?

Yes, I am an elitist, consummate hypocrite, and victim of my own delusions of perfection.

This post has many holes in it. I take many liberalities and make many assumptions based on my own interpretation of life. It is this very same human flaw that has led us to praise some of the dumbest people of all time: choice. What I believe to be buffoonery of the most despicable kind happens to be the pedestal on which someone else worships. I radically dislike Obama’s administration, yet others swear by it. I believe in the diminution of race for the sake of creating real social equality, yet I am painfully aware of the struggles of being black.

All of these idiosyncrasies multiplied across an entire nation (and globe) create the uncomfortable world that we live in now. Illusory yet partially concrete, scientific yet still metaphysically oriented, with leaders that range from competent to idiotic. We thrive in the interstice that I call “somethingness”. Our world is more than nothing, yet not quite right.

So, welcome to the world. All you idea entrepreneurs, you social activists need to start understanding the nature of the world as you implement your 21st century amendments. Human nature, what I tend to discuss, is static, unchanging, spiritual; human condition is highly variable, unreal, and consequently imperfect.

The reconciliation of these two worlds is the epitome of enlightenment, but how exactly we get there is anyone’s guess.



The Other Side Of Racism: The Worst of Black Folk

My day job for the last year or so has been working as a consultant in one of the most ethnically diverse school districts in America. The students in our program are underrepresented minorities that are at the most risk of being inundated by a broken system. However, the system itself is wildly apathetic and caters to a select few that can nimbly navigate its oppressive jaws. The misconception that our system unconditionally favors whites is one of the most egregious errors in American discourse, it is an incorrect portrayal. There are plenty of whites that bear the brunt of disenfranchisement and injustice that one would need only to travel to Appalachia to witness. No, injustice effects us all and as the honorable Dr. King so eloquently stated, an injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere.

I came across an article today that expressed perfectly the dilemma that exists with regards to race relations in this country. I have been prodding and pecking at it for the last few months, but this read sparked the illumination I needed to fully explain my stance on the subject. I have long been regaling about racism using perception as a basis for its fallibility, but the more recalcitrant aspect of it is that not all members of a race contribute to perceptions of racism or ill advised racial positions.

The article “The Worst of White Folks” found here, written by a brilliant essayist named Kiese Laymon, describes the lessons he learned growing up about race. He gets to a point in the piece where he begins talking about the a concept he calls worst of white folks.. The worst of white folk represent the absolute bigotry that has been the body of the monster blacks have been fighting against for years. They’re the ones that didn’t hire us, they wouldn’t let their kids marry us, they wouldn’t admit us to their schools, they call us lazy for needing social welfare aid and so forth. These worst of white folks are the epitome of the system that chronically oppresses.

However, who can pinpoint a white person of that nature?

Where are the worst of white folk? Are they the elitist class that manipulate the banking industry, politics, or the economy? Are they the neighbor next door? Sometimes. As with all people, the human mind is able to transition from one set of cognitive conditions to the next as rapidly as the next. The worst of white folks is more spirit, more of an incorporeal force, than it is blood and bone human beings. It comes across through passivity and through aggression, it is masked by what the individual believes are good-hearted intentions.

The truth is, many of our friends have at times been the worst of white folk; they have embodied the very system that we have all striven to topple.

The tough reality? Many of us blacks have been the worst of black folk in abject retaliation.

A very good friend and client of mine recently sat down and told me the story about his father’s high school years. His father, a white man, was the recipient of one worst sentences in history: he was sent to East Palo Alto High School during integration.

For those of you familiar with the Bay Area, EPA is no place to fuck with. To my SoCal people, think Watts or South Central. That means my friend’s father was sent to the equivalent of Locke High or LA Washington as the height of racial turmoil.

What proceeded were ruthless beatings, ceaseless racial slurs, and the translation of 100 years of systematic oppression on to an effigy of white culture. He was the scapegoat and he was sacrificed daily to the gods of frustration, inequality, and survival.

To this day, he is a staunch racist. He abhors blacks. Who can blame him?

But those who abused him were the worst of black folk. Would any of us commit such heinous crimes against an innocent man? Perhaps not, but the spirit of revenge has passed through all of us from at one point. Are all the people who require government assistance worthless deadbeats that mooch off a system that oppressed their grandmothers and grandfathers? No, but the spirit of entitlement has touched us all. Are all of us gang bangers and criminally inclined? No, but each of us has considered doing what we have to do as a community with little to no resources.

We have all been the vehicle for the “worst of black folk” spirit.

This all fuels the endless conversation about indemnification and necessities for equality, when we are in fact all guilty.

I will not delude myself or my readers by believing there are easy solutions to these predicaments. This motto of this blog is “pondering the absolute, ambiguous, and admirable”. I merely want people think think outside of their traditional comfort zones; to stop see their opinions as absolute rationale and begin viewing the globe in a more objective fashion.

I will be honest, I am hypocritical about a lot of things, especially pertaining race and race relations. I am pained by the loss of a young black man at the hands of a white man. I am pained by an black being sent to jail by a bigoted police officer. I know that it happens to all cultures, but I, having personally experienced the bigotry against blacks, know the humiliation.

Nevertheless, I am required as a human being to elevate myself above paradigms.



“Post Racial” America

I really hate discussing ‘race’. To me is a vapid ideology which promotes superiority complexes and divisiveness and is ultimately unimportant in the greater scheme of things.

Today, I spent my day emailing a notable scholar, author, and professor of behavioral economics at Duke about how selective dishonesty frames our view of metaphysics. I then took some time to discuss my sister’s upcoming, unwanted, yet necessary move out of Los Angeles. I researched notorious drug cartels and southwestern street gangs and responded to another email about working with my alma mater.

My point: I have no real interest in discussing the largely illusory world that is race or race relations. I have much better things to ponder.

But nevertheless it must be touched on time and time again.

Post Racial America

To say that America is a ‘post-racial’ society is a farce on several levels. I don’t even know where to begin, but I’ll start with our president. We commended America for being forward thinking and progressive by reluctantly voting in our incumbent POTUS, a black man, into office twice. Yet, President Obama is half black. This sounds an awful lot like turn of the century America where ‘mud-blood’ effectively nullified any other racial heritage one might have. Words like octoroon and quadroon were disseminated so that you knew a person was an eighth or quarter black respectively.

Obama is a mixed race man, yet we all hyper-focus on his black heritage.

America can not claim post-race for the foreseeable future for a myriad of reasons. The cardinal in my eyes is that most Americans fail to understand what exactly race is. Moreover, the globe at large suffers from the same ignorance.

Race is a mental construct, no more, no less. However, as discussed ad nauseum on this blog, the mind creates reality.

Humans are social creatures. Our evolution, however, precluded all of us from interacting early on. We were confined to our little pockets in the earth and created our myths, pantheons, and understanding of the earth through myopic eyes. We evolved and adapted to climate changes, fairer skin and straighter hair further from the equator, and darker skin with coarser hair closer to.

We deluded ourselves believing that one shade of humanity is different than the next. The insidious part? Most of us do it on unconscious levels. We are inadvertently racist, outwardly proclaiming that we are color blind, yet subconsciously perpetuating all manners of invidious propensities.

As one looks at the terrible racism exhibited against ethnic groups over the last few centuries, slavery, antisemitism, Japanese internment camps, Anglo persecution of Italians and Irish, its pretty obvious why we are not a post racial nation.

Human nature’s foundations are very simple. We like power because power allows one to set the status quo. The status quo is the average of best guesses across the population. We like to be around people who are similar to us, it assuages social xenophobia and stokes our natural narcissism. We like identifying with smaller groups because it makes us feel unique. We tend to devalue groups that fall outside of ours.

When a certain small group consolidates power, as whites did in this country, the errors of fathers will be felt for many, many generations to come. The oppressed peoples will act in direct opposition, they will be at enmity against their perceived violators.

The minority groups, used to surviving, campaigning, and taking care of themselves will continue to promulgate their rights, they will be permitted to do so at the cost of being called a hypocrite by many. Over time, lines will be blurred, the privilege of the majority group will seemingly diminish and they will inevitably cry foul. Then you will have two equally petulant opinions, the oppressed and the children of the oppressors, who hold incommensurable views on the position of the other.

Factor in time. The present will continually blind and distort perception, the still-privileged-but-not-as-blatantly-obvious group will point to evidence of the tides shifting against them, the oppressed will continually point out the slights against them. The still-privileged want things both ways because they have no clue what systematic oppression feels like, therefore, their perception of fairness is fundamentally different. What the oppressed see as necessary concessions, the still-privileged see as unfair handouts and reverse oppression. The oppressed want things both ways because they have no clue how to transition out of oppression and see the necessary concessions as implementations to bridge the social gaps.

This cycle will continue until that particular society is purged of all bigotry and pervasive equality outweighs the passive aggression racism endemic to countries like ours.

America is deep in this cycle. We are still a nation that was built upon hypocrisy and selective justice. That selectivity created social phantasms, concepts and ideas that are not locked down and can be argued either way. We must continue to grow and purge this reality. But it will take time.

There is such thing as white privilege. There is such thing as reverse racism. Both are readily apparent, especially in more polarized parts of the nation. There is a clear causal link between the two of them and the existence of one permits the existence of the other. They form an unholy yin-yang, a balance and counterbalance of ignorance. As opposed to sitting back and pointing fingers at the next group and trying to isolate ourselves within our homogenous tribe, I think it is best for us to continue to open dialogue and continue to take our owns lives into our hands. Ghettos, slums, and ‘hoods’ were once a product of white imposed, institutional racism, but we as blacks have long since taken up the leadership roles in ensuring we are seen as buffoons and perennially a lagging class.

It is time for both groups of people to understand the role they play and take responsibility for the state of our nation. It is the responsibility of every individual on this earth to promote equality across the board. It is the responsibility of every person on this earth to see his life as a whole lot more than the color of his or her skin. It is the responsibility of everyone on this earth to look for the facts and the real about the promoted “truths” of this world. It is everyone’s responsibility to evolve.

But since we have not yet, America is as far from a post-racial society as it has ever been.


Fallacy: The Illusions of Experience

“Experience does not necessitate reality “

This is going to be a very difficult concept for most people to wrap their heads around, however, it is this very idea that leads to one of the largest character flaws of humanity.

Your past experiences are nothing more than occurrences that happened to you. They are no more valid or potent than the next person’s.

The famed twentieth century psychologist and student of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, expounded a theory through which there were two difference “unconsciousnesses”. The first was the personal unconscious, which is made up of personal experiences and feelings, whether readily available or suppressed. This realm exists on the fringe of the conscious mind and represents a personal view of the world. The other unconscious is the collective unconscious, which Jung described as the collection of experiences which are shared by members of the same species, thus, representing supposedly universal feelings on ideas.

I don’t fully subscribe to Jungian psychology, however, there is something profound to be said about a dichotomous unconscious, especially when discussing interaction between humans.

When we are discussing verity, or the truthfulness of something, 99% of people will begin pulling evidence from what they have personally experienced. The reason that math and science tend to reign supreme is the methods they employ work to remove observational biases from systems so that indisputable, empirical evidence can be produced. This is why the scientific method DOES NOT prove anything, but instead is a procedural approach to disproving things.

Much of the universe falls outside of what our current understanding of math and science offers, therefore, verity very quickly becomes a jumbled mess of opinions as humans begin interacting. For instance, there is no mathematical way to explain love, so when the question “Mom, how do you know if you’re in love” gets asked, the response quickly becomes an exercise in personal experience and subjective understanding, not an expression of consistent linear knowledge.

I spend 95% of my day frustrated because I made the choice at 19 that I would spend my life tackling the most convoluted questions in human discourse. Questions of the nature of God, the nature of psychology, nature of interaction and so on. So, I am almost always in a state of vexation as I observe the earth unfolding around me. One of the most confounding qualities of mankind is our insistence upon personal experience as inalienable truth, directly contributing to the rampant confusion that is our understanding of existing.

Our mind is the greatest source of magic because through it we are able to fabricate virtually anything we wish. The problem is the mind will operate autonomously being powered by information that is not readily apparent to us. Although we can eventually exercise control over it, the most individuals have very limited control over their intellect and are susceptible to all matters of nonsense appearing real.

From this confusion we begin to proselytize and teach. We instruct others of our bulletproof methods of finding love, knowing God, or making money. It worked for us so it can work for you!

Certain Buddhist teachings venerate the mind of a child’s because it is open, an empty glass that is ready for divine filling. That openness is achieved by understanding the plasticity of this world, that all things are possible, many responses are valid, and many more have yet to be considered. It is best then, to meditate upon your actions, log them as temporary successes and remain as open and blank as you were before. Your reality does not constitute THE Reality, or the plane of the highest knowable thought. The Gnostics viewed this entity as The Monad, an ineffable deity whose holiness was unknowable and thus was effectively separate than ours. Jehovah Elohim, in most Judeo-Christian traditions, is the same, a divine authority whose emanation is the quintessence of truth and reality.

That constitutes, in the mind of the mystic, Absolute Truth, or divine clarity. Since few, if any of us, are walking in that kind of spiritual ether, it is best to say that none of us are bearers of truth.

Lets say that you do not agree with any of this spiritual mumbo jumbo and you prefer the facts empirically derived. The reality is that even then, the vast array of cognitive differences amongst mankind creates intractable schisms amongst peoples. If someone says they found love by wandering into Barnes & Noble’s on a Friday at 6 PM and everyone should do exactly that, its easy to see the fallaciousness of their argument. My position is that virtually every statement made by human beings is a logical fallacy of sorts.

The very basis of our cognitions are fallacies. From slippery slopes, to circular reasonings, to weak straw men, our perceptive faculties when unregulated, will create subjective verity out of thin air. The promotion of these subjections as inexorable truths has to stop.

Just because you went through something does not denote truth, reality, or best practice, it merely emphasizes the breadth of existential possibility. Notice that I said nothing about the validity of experience. As expressed in the statement breadth of existential possibility, I believe that almost all things can be valid, especially to a mind that believes strongly enough in it. But you must understand that the mind is what validates, not the free standing concept itself. It is no more a truth than the next possibility.

For those initiated few that understand this rather cryptic post, I stand in agreement with you. For those who are lost or offended, I earnest petition you to keep search for light.



Out Of The What, In To The How

No axiomatic aphorism,
No unitary syllogism
Can illuminate the prism & expose its constituent parts,
Foolish, insolent man, how lofty you are to believe you can.

We cry out mottoes from our grottos
So that they might echo in hills,
We claim to illuminate minds,
With information that plagues whom it fills.

I laugh with skeptical derision at your adages,
The anemic attempts at describing our lives of infinitude,
Did your opposites attract or did you date your reflection,
Both of which are considered verity in romantic selection,

The connection between the immaterial and material realms beckon,
Like concupiscent Sirens and devour many by the second,
The irresistible allure of knowledge once cherished,
In reality a garish, nightmarish portend of sleepless nights.

Lets set aside vapid pedantry about the what,
And begin to focus on the how,
The implementation of gorgeous gnosis
So quell psychosis,
In the moment when death is the closest.

Lets sequester the useless observations,
Patience is a virtue until its blatant,
That the tarrier is a carrier of impotent erudition,
His edition of condition is no superior than the infant,
The instant he felt wiser he became the cognitive miser,
An advisor to lost souls who deluded find his knowledge like incisors,
Renting the veil.

But these are exercises in futility, dear man.
HIs observations no more valid or real, dear man.
Let us go from identification to implementation,
Lest we suffer as mannequins in the sand.


O Divine,
Seeking information in this realm
Is tantamount to falling into a pit of quick sand,
That which is purported as truth,
The maniacal ravings of lost men.

Where is the Truth in a realm where the minds
Machinations take the deepest of root,
And bear fruit whose mimicry is unparalleled?
How does one find Thee?

The fool says there is no God,
Yet the fool argues that he knows God,
Unprovable except by fantastic occurrences,
Appearances by phantasms that concrete his experiences.

Trapped in a pit of derelicts,
Expression of opinions is futile,
Where is the Light, O Divine?
Where is the Light?


You are the designer of rhapsodic trysts & romantic twists,
Of fate between mate and mate,
And take no prisoner but those who are famously willing,

I take a shilling,
And invest it into the heart of beloved paramour,
I care for her more than I care me,
So carefully, I tear from me, any parts she can’t bear to see.

You are the resplendent reminder,
Of Man’s communion with the Almighty,
Illogical, unprovable, yet unmovable in rapt passion.

We have agreed that our flame permeates all.
So we know that love awaits as we fall.

Meditation 7

A man starves by the hands of his obstinate ambition,
He is parched by cleaving to his dreams,
For the goal of the Whole is quiet assimilation,
Guesswork perpetuated by undulating aggregation.

How honorable is culture,
In its complication,
Elation is made through affirmation of beliefs,
Ideas borne on wings of agreement.

Discord is sowed steadily,
For the basis of culture is instability,
A man’s ability to pinpoint what needs fixing,
The quickening of pulse met by the sickening blow of reality,

Man wants no thing to change lest he personally profit,
So the Prophet aloft on revelatory prognostication,
Is decried as bohemian scoundrel,
His counsel avoided, his work all but voided.

A man starves by the work of his own hands,
He fights against false evidences appearing real,
Yet, his imaginations are no less illusory,
He is bound to perpetuate broken cycles,

How delightful, the non linearity of earthy man,
He can feast as an impotent or perish as a visionary,
In both he endures unholy torment,
The foment of man’s delusion.


The peace of dawn,
Quickly gives way to the despairs of twilight,
The nightmarish ghouls of expectancy and obligation,
Snap eagerly at the wayfarers heels.

O Divine, how does one commune with you?
How do I, mere mortal, find your chambers?
Wherefore art thou silent?
Maniacal is my petition, sane man turned violent.

My mind knows no peace,
The outer heavens offer no satiation,
The inner parts knows no calm,
Providence tests my fallible patience.

Deus ex machina,
Where will I find stability in times of storm?
Where will I find understanding when virulent tempests
Sway me like reeds in the wind?

Beloved journeyman, know that your thoughts are futility,
Answers are fleeting like winter’s flakes,
Pertinent, relevant in the depths of frost,
But forgotten memories come the eve’s of spring.

Humanity is full of craft,
Praise be to the Most High for blessing us with such machination,
Find your own peace,
Proclaim to no man that you know Truth.

Truth flees from intelligence,
Like oil from water,
Exigent hubris, meets even quicker destruction,
As his structures topple during intense trial.

O Divine, Absolute, Almighty,
I know you are capable, but are you willing,
Give a man a shilling let him eat an hour,
Give a man a lesson let him feast in confusion all his days.