bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Month: March, 2012


As my friend recently said:
Dudes want to be swept off their feet too.
Et tu…
You as well.

I want to be stuck in place,
Jaw agape,
Struck immobile by a form as her.
I want my head swimming,
Lost in the waters of possibility,
I want to drown…
In the deepest desires of my soul
A deepening of my role
I want to know Felicity.

I yearn for love at first sight.
The incongruous hardened heart of masculinity,
Does not reflect my own.
I crave a form that speaks indelibly to my immaterial man,
Grips me,
By the same sinews crafting that cotton skirt,
Wrapped precariously around supple thighs.
I plead for the mind which entices me,
A formidable opponent in conscious joust,
Synapses firing sending signals to full lips,
Entreating me to pull closer….

Eyes like windows into a soul deeper than the mighty Marianas,
Delving fathoms beneath the palpable crust,
As lips draw closer, I am swathed in the garments of trust.
Fingers long and gentle,
Hold me, touch me, soothe me,
Imbue me,
With a sensation that makes my blood simmer,
Plasma glows.
Wild tangles of hair,
Luminesce celestially against a raging fireplace.
However the bonding warmth is skin against skin.
Soul against soul.

I am enraptured.
I am ensconced…
Enveloped in a pocket of passion.
It was love at first sight.
It is love at first touch.
It will be love at first kiss.



We Are

She is.
A soul searcher,
Praying archer,
With arrows demolishing the invading marcher,
A sweet believer,
Goal achiever,
When my heart was lost she was my sweet retriever,
My spirit’s seeker,
My favorite speaker,
Mellifluous voice makes my heart pound quicker,
I love her presence,
She is beauty’s essence,
She is the pinnacle form of perfection’s quintessence.

I am.
The first of many,
To pierce her heart,
The first to know the end from the start,
Of her bits of crazy,
I know this lady,
I see her clearly when her motives are hazy.
I am.
Her soul’s protector,
The never neglect her,
When she’s broken to pieces I am the shard collector,
To put her together,
Hold it tight with my arms,
I am the one who needed no deceitful charms,
The one who won without illegal harms,
When I entered her fortress there were no klaxons no alarms.
I am.
The man she prayed for,
The man she stayed for,
Paired herself to virtue the one she cares for,
And I will love her forever more.

We are.
Destiny realized,
Like real eyes,
Gazing upon a miracle in real time,
I feel lines,
Drawn between us like romantic atlantic keel lines,
We hold fast,
Tethered to dreams like sails upon the hull’s mast,
They carry us,
Never tarry us,
Because when I’m by her side I swear these feelings can marry us,
So I bury crust,
And dirt, and mud, and soot from my past life,
And I pass life,
A voucher asking for a vast life,
Because we are,
The last of dying breed,
The last of sighing seed,
Of trees,
Who crave love like sunshine to leaves,
We are those who never leave,
Those who suddenly,
Cleave to the sleeve,
And plan to never bereave,
We will long before don greaves,
And chest plates, and helmets,
Swords will we wield,
And shields,
Yes we will take to the fields,
To wage war on desolation..
We are.
Each other’s consolation,
Clustered together like constellations,
She is the incarnation of my patience,
Since I waited day after night for her.
We are.
Prayers answered,
Oh love divine.
We are
Because I am hers
And she is mine.


Interlude: Morning Glory

we speak of beauty implicitly.
as if each and every one of had the right to choose,
an aesthetic which we adhered to.
i feared you.
you cleared me….
me, my conscience.
for when my spirit cried out in utter jubilation,
it was your face which my blessed nation,
lifted up loving words in admiration,
sweet child if you only understood what you are shaping up to mean,
i gleaned myself from the foolishness of yesterday
yet in every way you exemplify that which i yearn for
she who i will go out and earn for,
she who i burn for,
she who i churn for,
she who i would go to war for,
so i go to battle with my past.
to fight the demons who seek to cast doubt on love so pure,
so sure sometimes am i that this will all be for not
that somehow this chain was wrought and doomed from the start…
but alas a far off distance i see the banner of her soul risen above the horizon,
morning has finally come and love has finally come findin’
morning glory.
morning glory.


Part IV: Lies, The Evolutionary Marvel

The inner machinations of man are both complex and simple, elegant and crude, evolved and primitive. We are at the most banal levels, instinctive creatures, what with our guttural instincts and our “fight or flight” sympathetic systems. However, given that we do have our big, beautiful cerebrum, we possess abilities that allow us to go beyond the limits of instinct and into realms of “form creation”.

What do I mean by “form creation”? To create “form” one merely needs to line up their cognitive tendencies with an idea they are interested in. For example, if you want a job in a top notch law firm, the creation of form means that you will adopt that attorney culture in order to succeed. Out of a concept: “I want to work at _____ Law Firm”, you create a physical, mental, and social form by which you interact with the world. The fact of the matter is, you may not actually want to work in that environment, but the office provides something that you need like a particular client or type of law. That’s where our neocortex or “deceiving brain” comes in. We can override one’s instinctual dislike and tendency to avoid that discomfort. Our brain’s possess the rare quality that allows us to compartmentalize our emotions, preferences, or what have you, all in the name of some desire. Its rather elegant really… Try to get a dog to do something it doesn’t like or want and it will more than likely rebel. Notoriously dumb species are virtually impossible to train, therefore it is almost impossible for them to lie.

Lying is an evolutionary masterpiece, creating “false form” for someone to exist in for a particular desire. The ability to lie is nothing short of a marvel, a true testament to higher brain function.

But in a world where lies exist alongside the “truth”, who is actually able to discern between the two? What is a lie? What is a truth? Of course with one dimensional “events” the lines are rather stark, however, let’s take something incorporeal like ‘love’ and try to extract truth from it. We all blather on about what true love is, swear we’ve been in love, but who is truly to say what love is? I for instance am obsessed with love and the idea that there is one woman out there for me. It keeps me up at night. It forces me to work, to dress, and to talk the way I do. However, given that our minds are prone and quite frankly susceptible to self generated lies, who’s to say that I can’t trick myself into love?

Which I have in the past. Bryce Brown has never been in love, although my most recent tryst brought me to the nexus… I literally felt the tendrils of passion tugging my heartstrings. Irrespective, I still was not actually in love. I had told young women before that I was, that I adored them, didn’t want to live without them, but upon their climactic exit from my life, I all but forgot the so called feelings I once harbored for them. I through my ignorance had lied to myself, not knowing that I was lying in the worst place.

Keeping in line with love and using my “never been in love” as an example, one can see how lies can percolate and become extant entities in our lives. For as advanced as the human mind may be, most of us cannot discern when we are telling an untruth let alone someone else, especially someone we don’t know is lying. The women I thought I was falling in love with when I was 18-21 believed me and I believed myself. The lie was not malicious nor was it manipulative, but I genuinely was infatuated with their personage. That infatuation in tandem with inexperience and standard ignorance caused me to falsify reality. A reality that was in fact doomed.

Let’s zoom out a bit. In America, where our government lies to us nonstop, most people are completely oblivious that what the see, feel, and touch isn’t real. They think their government cares (because it partially does), they think their employers do (because they partially do), and they think everyone else like them cares (you should already know what I’m going to say). This world is not 100% amoral like some would lead you to believe, but its the synchronized mistruth adjacent to the truth that makes the whole world a sham. Since NO one on this earth (outside of the shadowmaster dictators and even they aren’t impervious to each other’s deception) can really ascertain fact from fiction in terms of sociopolitics, it begs the question of what it means to be alive.

This evolutionary wonder, the lie, has created a balance — albeit a precarious one — between the “all good” and the “all evil”. The result is then, of course, a hybridized world in which good and evil are merely shadows and the actual bodies casting the shadows are barely aware of the position. Many human beings have been unwittingly used in scams, Ponzi schemes, and genocide. They acted very “evilly” but would have sworn to Heaven they were acting in good.

Deceit is actually unnatural. But in a universe where balance must prevail, it was a necessary vehicle. Whether you believe in Lucifer & Jehovah, an imperfect Demiurgus, or any of the other ancient explanations of the first lie, they all point to balance. Well humans ARE balance. If a Satanic archetype is all evil and a YHWH archetype is all good, then the human represents the neutral battle field. We are the personification of balance. Those who achieve it understand inherently the difference between deceit and uprightness.

Deception is unnatural, uprightness is natural. Why? Because trees, fish, rocks, air, vacuum space, and hydrogen ions don’t lie. They serve their purpose with preprogrammed rightness. However, the cunning, conniving, and scheming MIND has proliferated all across this globe.

So what do you stand for? The truth? Or unknowing lies? How do you intend on outwitting the brain’s secret traps? How do you plan on living genuinely?

By the way, impersonating someone else, not following your passions, or living in another’s shadow is LYING. Its lying to yourself to accept mediocrity. Living an average life is nothing short of a lie. In a realm where we were challenged to live abundantly and to full fruition, anything short of that is deception.

Life fulfilled.


Part III: Happiness

Think of a time in your life when you considered yourself happy. What were the circumstances surrounding those moments? Was it primarily external or was it a feeling that emanated from some deep internal well?

What is happiness? As someone who sip’s from the fountains of philosophy often, I have found myself wondering this same question for about a year now. Am I happy? Do I enjoy being alive? Do I find this planet enjoyable? If I answer no to one of these, can I still answer yes to another? If happiness is not systemic, that is that one does not experience it in more than one part of their life, can they still be considered happy?

Is happiness an advanced form of satisfaction? Fulfillment? Actualization?

As aforementioned, I separate the human condition into 5 parts, a deviation from the traditional 3 I grew up with. The mind, body, heart, spirit, and soul. Each one of these has a predisposition on what it means to be happy; however, genuine happiness only springs from one. The soul is neutral and spends its life trying to understand whose side it’s on. The body is the lowest of all beings, happiness is nothing more than pleasure on a sensual level. The heart, nature’s schizophrenic, finds happiness in positive emotion. The mind finds happiness in peaceful thought. But it is the spirit, the other infinite entity (outside of the soul), who is the perpetuator of true happiness.

The spirit is the direct implant from God. It is GOD living within us, acting as the liaison between this realm and the next. It is the “positive” conscience, the good guy, the divine inspiration that we humans need so that we don’t destroy ourselves. Therefore any worthwhile happiness worth receiving is catalyzed by the spirit. It understands happiness from a celestial, sidereal, infinite understanding. It transcends the lowly boundaries of flesh or dimension to generate feelings unlike any of the other human constituents.

So what is happiness? For me it is allowing one’s spirit to guide one’s sails. It is not just the feeling, but the completely occupation of the essence of peace. It is Divinely ordained, supremely sustained, and preternaturnal in its ability to look beyond the veils of this realm. Happiness is where one is complete with themselves, because all of their complements lie within the confines of God. Therefore, I do not believe that one is happy without Him. One is nothing without Him. Happiness is walking out onto your balcony, in complete duress, then looking at the epic splendor that is the ocean. Happiness is crying your eyeballs out after your love leaves, but know that “all things work for your greater good”.

Happiness is realizing that all worry is an illusion and that you have been made a champion by overcoming this world’s pressures.

Few of us are happy. Many of us are content. Most of us are struggling.


Interlude: The Dialogue

When you release, Young Man,
The pains of yesterday,
You will experience happiness like no other,
You are turned off by everyone else’s druthers,
I understand, but my brother,
Take the hand of the brand,
Of persons who actually have much to offer,
One’s whose hearts can double as coffers,
And you can place your love and know that it will never diminish.

Sir, I hear you and my trust I wish I could replenish,
I see the resplendent joys of finding myself dependent,
But more evident is seeing myself as a defendant,
In some future time as our love bows to love crimes,
And I’m crying trying to figure out how I missed the signs,
Or my soul’s literally a hole,
And I have no smoldering coals,
Just snow like I just escaped the poles,
Seems like disappointment and let downs are too likely afoot,
And the foot that I give those seems sullied by soot,
From a disingenuous fire from which I dangled from a malicious hook,
Praying to the good Carpenter from the good book…

Look, you can’t judge your future through lenses of your past,
Nor can you run freely if you insist on the aid of a cast,
And you are so quick to cast,
Rocks down on concepts on people so you never let them last,
And you’re plagued by your impetuousness since you move so fast,
You are a genuine gentleman,
A man after God’s own heart,
Yet the grime that you don’t cleanse,
Makes you smell from the start,
And you fell off the chart,
After one too many “I fell too hard for hers”
And you broke yourself into shards for hers,
Would fly to mars for hers,
Furs, myrrhs, hell you’d captured the stars for hers,
Cursed do you find yourself in contrast to people,
You’ve climbed a self righteous steeple,
And created a duality out of reality.
You have become comfortable in your paradox,
You are a pair of socks,
Content with never putting on,
So that soul (sole) can never be warmed.
Trust again son.
Love again son.
Before you know it, you’ll know the one.


Interlude: Speakeasy

Softly, quietly she importunes my senses,
Every heavily scented syllable implores me to lower my defenses,
For she understands how my mind entrenches,
A beautiful face,
I feel her carefully trace,
A lock and a key above my heart,
Whispers the words “never apart”,
Internally I’m torn apart,
Afraid of what I’ve already seen,
What I’ve already been through,
How those I thought I’d seen through,
Exemplified opacity that was completely turncoat,
Yet this one may be turnkey,
And as she turns me,
To face she,
Gazing into her eyes,
Is like gazing into the Elysian Fields,
She transfers all the hope she feels,
In a hope that my arms wrapped around her as shields,
Will somehow yield,
Some unprecedented loyalty,
Because I will be her knight and she my royalty,
Boyishly, hold back the monsters while she goes to sleep,
Hers to keep,
Ensconced by her presence like a herd of sheep,
Our Shepherd Jesus smiling down at us expectedly,
Knowing His providence respectedly,
Provided her for I and I for her,
All is right cosmically,
Stars aligned right on this night as she softly speaks,
Whispering sweet nothings in my ears,
Its quite possibly,
The sweetest display of emotion I’ve ever heard,
Remarkable how I’m engulfed in every word,
Convinced I am listening to one of God’s celestial choirs,
The kinds of sounds that the dense spirit requires,
Inquires so that he might be inspired,
She tires and I watch her speech expire,
She settles on my shoulder inches her lips a little higher,
The touch of her face on my neck sets my heart on fire,
I trace a lock and key upon her beating heart,
Then quietly whisper I was already hers from the very start…


Part II: The Mind + Existence

In the last post I briefly described how I look at the world. The position would loosely be described as Monistic or Idealist (all idealists are monist but all monists are not idealists), in that I do not believe anything in this world truly exists outside of the mind. In other words, my stance on this subject is that the world we see is merely a projection of one’s own consciousness. I have a plethora of reasons as to why I believe this, so I’m going to try and explain them to the best of my ability as to why.

I have used the adage “that which is truly real does not change, that which changes is not real”. As far as I’m concerned there is only one constant, unchanging force in the entire universe: God. Regardless of what your religious inclination is, all people of a spiritual faith can agree that their idea of the Divine possesses this quality. That He (or She for some other religions) has been the same since the beginning of time. However, the world that we exist in, although inculcated with His very essence, is not a Divine realm. We do not exist in a world that is forever or static, but instead we live in a constant state of flux; rife with instantaneous change. Most of the change occurs on a psychological level, because it is only on this level that humans. That level is often referred to as perception.

*Let me be as clear as I can. I believe that conceptually an apple is a thing, a legitimate body, however what I’m pointing to is the human understanding of that apple as unreal. An apple can be called a pear, a tire, or a falhsnf for all we care… Our perception of the apple is what I’m saying is “unreal”.

However, perception is in fact reality. Stepping out from this very simplistic idea of ontology, one can see why (not necessarily agree), I feel that nothing exists per the vehicle of perception. Because our perception can and does change frequently, our basic understandings of this world are nothing more than speculation. When classifying tangible bodies this concept seems obscure, even foolish but let’s look at some intangibles and perhaps you can see my point a little better.

Race doesn’t exist. Yes there are differences in anatomy between a sub-Saharan African and a Norweigan, primarily because of changes in climate. Therefore, the only differences between the two groups are not inherent, but merely accrued differences in culture (a perceptual experience) and not genuine distinctive practices.

Another example, value does not exist. Who is to say that a car is worth $20,000? Or a pair of shoes is worth $65? Who is to say that a dollar, a piece of cloth, is worth whatever the exchange currency says? Sure The Fed can create complex algorithms to compute some value, but those values are based upon preconceived notions drafted a century ago. Who is to say gold is valuable? Salt is valuable? Who is to say that life itself is valuable?

Value or worth is not real because it comes at the behest of a collective agreement, which is subject to change.

Many philosophers have tried to define “realness” in terms of the substance an object or concept is comprised of. With the advent of quantum theory, many of those new infinitesimal worlds have helped us describe matter; however, my rumination rarely takes me to the “what”. I sit around and ask why.

The why’s are what systematically destroy my belief that this world is real. Although it is semi-concrete, I.e. There are laws which have serious repercussions, like the principles of physics, a human can choose to ignore those principles and devise another world altogether which appears “real” to him. The ancients did not understand natural disasters, so every terrestrial phenomenon was associated with an upset god.

Basically my point is, the world is what you make of it. Information is there to be understood; however, we have a long way as a species to go before we can actually understand this world. We have created to many illusions which obfuscate us actually getting the keys to wisdom. We create credit systems, legislative systems, education systems, then pander them off as if they were real, concrete, unyielding, and unchanging.

Lastly, those who can take control of their mind possess an uncanny ability to manipulate the physical. A strong mental or spiritual fortitude directly translates into altering this world. If you believe yourself to be awesome, you can generate an environment around you which supports.

Everything is up for grabs.


Part 1: The Mind

Lately I’ve obviously been writing from a place of extremely volatile emotional content. Breakups tend to do that to you. Today I want to take a step in another direction.

What is peace? What is serenity? Each of us can answer this in a different way, however, the motif that you spam across all of our mental creations would be easily traceable. Peace, serenity, tranquility, and harmony have been buzz words in certain societies for millenia; however, no matter how much we can construct the images in our mind, man seems incapable of making that a reality.

Given our more advanced consciouses, we have access to many cognitive gifts that other species are not known to be privy to. Furthermore, while some may see higher cognition as some specious, evolutionary byproduct, the fact of the matter is: everything in the visible universe is a result of the mind.

As I go through some of the philosophical schools, I’ve found myself becoming obsessed with the philosophy of the mind. The ontological study of it and the mid-problem paradox has been ample cud for my inquisitive mind to chew on, but its really how this all applies to the world that fascinates me. I’ve found myself aligning more with the monistic view Idealism lately, the believe that all things experienced are merely projections of the mind. The reason being that although the body, mind, spirit, and heart are all distinct entities, its the mind that interacts the most with this tangible realm. The body itself is merely a medium by which the mind creates existence. Studies over the years have shown how collective thought can affect the outcomes of physical events etc. But the single most important factor to me in my personal philosophy is that nothing is right.

Many people when physically interfacing with the world choose to construct false dichotomies of right vs wrong, black vs white, a vs b, or x vs y. The problem with that is a developed mind can argue anything from any perspective and theoretically derive a “right” answer. The idea of right, especially in ethics, has been hotly contested. I’m more familiar with Western (European) ethics; however, I’m loosely familiar with some African, Hindu, and Buddhist ethicists as well. When I listen to people pander on about their representation of “right”, it is without fail a projection of what their mind has personally experienced and deduced.

The idea that a universal right, although tantalizing, is implausible given our complex social structures. We try and argue multilaterally when in fact our opinions are overwhelmingly unilateral.

So when someone begins describing their ideas of peace, the end results may hearken to some multilateral utopia, but their opinion on how to create that peace is the issue. With so many human rights groups across the world, plus the advent of the internet, in tandem with improved overall access to information, that fact that this world is so fucked is a testament to the unilateral mind creating a flawed attempt at a multilateral world. Someone will always be marginalized. The tyrants of the world, although selfish, ego-absorbed, narcissists, often times have a completely skewed view of the world that causes them to believe they are acting “right”. Whether its a sense of duty to heritage (Hitler’s third reich) or a sense of community (oppressive forms of communism), the idea is the minds behind the legislation generate the realities forced upon others.

This is a tightly wound, incredibly complex ball of yarn to unravel and I’m having a hard time trying to capture it all. But hopefully I’ve wet a few of your appetites. I’m going to continue with this mind stuff for the next few posts.


2 days after the storm

We all have been there. Well maybe some of us more than others, but nevertheless, we have all experienced it. That morning you woke up and things were clicking right. You didn’t receive that “goodnight” text or she fell asleep with her back turned. You put your arm around her but the flame seems choked and you aren’t sure why. Perhaps a day or two goes by and no matter how beautiful her face is to you, the things about your relationship seem to further suffocate your once conflagrant bond.

Then it happens. Its an angry phone call or a tense in person goodbye. There are tears in her eyes, not tears of pure sadness, but instead the shedding of raw, undifferentiated emotion. Actually, neither of you know how to feel. You don’t want to breakup but can’t stand being together. So from the abysmal places in the cavernous human soul, emotive content begins to percolate and the frenzy ensues.

Fallacious arguments, low blows, and sheer nastiness become each of your tongue’s bedmates. Hypocrisy, underhanded remarks, and denigration also rear their ugly head. The storm rages on as one or both of you rain down sheets that had been precipitating for days, weeks, months, or even years.

Then the next day…

The damage is inspected and both clapboard shacks you commonly call your psyche are understood to be in disarray. Your heart, your personal community center, has windows blown in and doors off of hinges. You spirit, the neighborhood faith center is questioning the very existence of God. For in that tempest, you swear you felt things that no man should feel. And in the succeeding stillness, the throbbing pain screams bloody Mary into every synapse still firing.

You lie on your bed, tear streaked cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and dried mouth, silently imploring any listening Deity to help you understand where your memories went. The Herculian strength and extreme conviction you once held as the utter truth has diminished to the one question emblazoned in your mind: “what the hell do I do now?”

Was I right? Was she right? Could we have worked it out? Was this all necessary? After that first inquisitive domino has been flicked, the questions begin flying in like flocks of dispossessed vultures. They tear into the livelihood of your once so assertive mind. You have relegated yourself into the ranks of emotional carrion, offering up your entrails as final peace offerings, to somehow succor the gods or God of love to give you another chance. Lord let me hear her voice again or let her sleep next to me for just one more night or let me smell her sweet breath as she lies on my chest. Lord bring me her lips, the full lips which you swear were electrified…..

Suddenly all of the elements that brought the storm dwindle away and you just want her.

So you blame yourself for the storm. You identify and emphasize your contributions… And you weep because of your stupidity.

But on the second day, you awake and your first thoughts are of peace. The gnashing that ripped your bowels is now nothing more than a faint thud. Your cheeks are dry and your eyes are no longer red and puffy. Your breathing has relaxed and every time your phone goes off your heart no longer leaps through the roof hoping that its her. Her face or name incidentally crossing your line of sight no longer suppresses your appetite or causing an uncontrollable welling up in your eyes.

The shackles and fetters have seemingly melted away. Your mind is at ease. Seems like Jesus Himself scooped the pain from your belly in some sort of celestial-terrestrial surgery. As the wounds heal, your soul heals.

Just get to that second day, young man. Just get to that second day.
