bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Month: August, 2013


Ineffable wisdom,
The panacea of my deepest anxieties,
This life offers the most banal of sobrieties,
When I only seek the intoxication of pervasive truth.
Mankind is but a microcosm,
As highly variable as the universe itself,
Glorious precision,
Insidious imprecision,
We are balanced by logic.
Must I follow a lifestyle yogic,
In order to unlock the substantive secrets,
Or am I doomed to this fleshly sepulcher and tepid
4 dimensional space who race
Is indeed rat-like, we skitter like vermin without a cause.
The information we trade is fiat currency,
It has no intrinsic value, no real worth,
The contrivances of a hubristic creature
Who separated from divinity.
I have an affinity for mordacity when I am offered life’s dregs,
But in my insanity I see that life indeed has legs,
That flee from the conscious mind bound by illusion,
And drive men like me into polemical seclusion,
So pardon my intrusion dearest Light,
For seeming existentially rapacious,
You have new gracious to this point,
So I pray these suppositions are not audacious,
But my patience for this latent world of persisting laymen,
Grows thin.
A world of futility, a world of great sin.

Quantum Superposition & Many-States Hypothesis

2 years ago I was asserting my beliefs that quantum mechanics would lead to to breakthroughs in the understanding of metaphysics. With the Large Hadron Collider searching for the ever-elusive God particle and all sorts of craziness happening at quantum levels, it seems reasonable to me that the field will eventually shed light on world unseen. Perhaps string theory or the many-world hypothesis will lead us into the realms that only yogic sages and Ascended Masters like Christ knew intuitively. For right now though, I want to bridge quantum mechanics with something slightly less complex than pure metaphysics, human behavior.

Quantum Superposition (QS) on the surface seems to be something out of science fiction. It asserts that any physical system, usually illustrated using an electron, exists in all theoretical states simultaneously, however, when observed or measured it will correspond to one particular state or configuration. In other words, according to quantum superposition, an electron is in two or more places at the same time.

I am more philosopher than mathematician, so I don’t really understand all of the advanced equations necessary to illustrate these very complex concepts. However, there is a very simple thought experiment that explains QS called Schrödinger’s Cat. It goes like this:

A cat is placed in a sealed steel box along with a radioactive substance and a flask of poison, hydrocyanic acid. If even a single atom from the radioactive substance floats down the tube a hammer is triggered and the flask is broken thus killing the cat. After an hour is the cat alive or dead? Since the fate of the cat sits inside of a sealed steel box, we cannot know. Thus, according to quantum superposition, the cat is both alive and dead until an observation is definitely made.

Make some sense? Uncertainty is a big part of quantum theory and this experiment shows why. Most of us use varying heuristics and other cognitive biases when making decisions in the face of uncertainty. We deny the existence of one state or configuration for something more tenable or understood. That is the nature of cognition.

The problem with human perception is that it is indelibly flawed and our guesswork of mental shortcuts (heuristics) and analogy frameworks may work some of the time, but are usually very far from accurate.

Human behavior is messy business. We are acted upon by forces we truly do not know or understand (more about this later). Thus the sources of our behavior can never be truly observed or definitely known or understood. It is for that reason why I have termed it nonlinear, it does not reap consistent results because of our ability to choose to be irrational, even in the light of information. An informed public is not a purely rational public and irrational thought will eventually effervesce and make its presence known.

How this all applies to quantum superposition takes a bit of abstract thinking. Human beings are notoriously unaware of the things going inside of them. We are notoriously unaware of subconscious predilections, impetuses, and emotional wellsprings just out of conscious reach. We may be acting out trauma from childhood or simply going off of information dredged up from an old conversation with a friend. We may be sick and tired of the old routine and turn to abject manipulation as a means to an end. We are truly confluences of uncertainty. Thus, superposition is a perfect way to describe mankind. We are in fact all things at once.

You right now are happy, sad, angry, fearful, confident, anxious, weak and strong, attached and detached depending on which way one chooses to approach you and who is actually doing the approaching. The most arrogant man can be rendered a bumbling fool in the presence of his deepest insecurity and a weakling mother can attain super strength the instant her baby is in danger.

We spend so much time trying to make sense of concretion without ever breaking things down. People swear up and down that our world is concrete, when it is merely a dream. Illusions upon illusions. Most of these illusions have been jettisoned into the world by powerful people with influence, gaining the social inertia necessary to affect enough minds for it to become reality.

I heard over the weekend that we should all “fake it ’til we make it”, to which I replied “where is it?” Truly, where is it? Monetary success? Spiritual enlightenment? Peace? A beautiful wife, three kids, and a dog? Perhaps you are someone who believes that we will eventually create harmony as a society, a “culture of unity”. The problem with that is the nonlinearity of man is fundamentally opposed to the necessary linearity of society.

What is the purpose of money? To organize trade. What is the purpose of education? To organize information. What is the purpose of school? To organize education. What is the purpose of religion? To organize spirituality. What is the purpose of the judicial system? To organize social behavior. What is the purpose of organization? To make consistent. Why do we want things to be consistent? Because behavior is controlled.

Superposition principle, the idea that we are all things at all times creates a classic paradox in which we do not mind being controlled, but we don’t always like what is being forced on us. When you multiply that across 7 billion people worldwide, you get combinations and permutations which push to infinity in terms of how many different configurations are currently out there.

There is no “it” people. There is the journey. I personally believe in spiritual transcendence as an “it” but even that is quite frankly ineffable. Taoist doctrine says that the Tao that is captured in words is not the real Tao, but a derivative. Such is this life. In this amorphous, ever changing configuration of images and shadows nothing Eternal can truly be captured in words. So we choose to, via heuristics and comfort zones, live in our dream worlds of black and white.

You are all things, dear reader. Rich, poor, happy, mad, fulfilled, unfulfilled. So as long as these concepts exist in your mind, the creator of your individual microcosm, you are all those things. The truly Ascended, the enlightened, break down the illusions of this world and exist as all things pure and good, as Jesus or many of the revered spiritual leaders throughout history did.

Allow to to reiterate this again. This world is a dream. It is truly an illusion. However, you can co-create this dream world by understanding the plasticity of it and you. You have the ability to mold your world, our world, but first you must rid yourself of the tepid thoughts of concretion. Dreams are abstract, not concrete. You are all things and you are no things.




It’s funny how the faces that used to afflict you,
At some point cease to affect you,
That someone who used to make the cellars of your soul
Subconsciously sink,
Suddenly has no more influence than a stranger on the street.
Friends fade away,
And white hot lovers fade to gray,
There will be others, there will be another
That force their way into our chest plate’s bay,
Perhaps they’ll be another exercise in futility,
Or perchance a final face to face with fulfillment,
No man knows his ultimate denouement,
So folks just cycle through, while we pray the next ‘you’
Is the soulmate that actually follows through.

Just Hold On

Just hold on, we’re going home.
Words float off my lips like ocean’s foam,
In her zone, I meet her and swear her Queen,
Tell her never again will she want a thing.

Just hold on, we’re going home,
To a place called paradise,
Where my Mona Lisa is the sunrise,
Framing your angelic visage in the earliest moments of dawn.

Cuz you’re the perfect girl and you know it,
I’ve truly found a treasure besides me,
You have captured my being, heart and soul,
And The deepest passion resides inside me.

The Hand That Casts The Stone

We are all hypocrites.
For we, as abject adherents to subjectivity,
Bend and bind rules to fit our present condition.
I resent the renditions of human derision,
Which paint pictures of supposed apostasy,
When the only crime committed is a discontinuation
Of accepted philosophy,
That would just as quickly be disregarded
By the very same speaker so vocally offended,
Had he been the one effectively upended.
Therein lies the true nature of a creature so nebulous,
Neither noble nor vitriol nefarious,
He treads grounds perilous;
Precarious positions and conditions so perfectly gray,
That he can choose the blacks and whites in his own tainted way.

Living Your Life For Someone Else

My posts revolve around two central themes: existence and love. These have been very important concepts to me mostly because of my upbringing, I was raised in a staunch Christian home by two people who have enjoyed a ridiculously successful marriage by any standards. Thus, as I got older I challenged the existential offerings of traditional religion while reflecting on what exactly made my parents tick…

If you ask my parents they will tell you their marriage is not always sunshine and butterflies. They will also tell you about the dark moments and the intermittent pain suffered. Such is life right? I will give you the secret to Samuel and Marcel Brown’s bond: God. More precisely: an objective cause that forces subjectivity into something more manageable. See, life is two-tiered:\, the first tier being the ego and the second tier being the corporate which I have been referring to as nonlinear and linear respectively the last few weeks. As I have enumerated in several previous posts, trying to reconcile the opinions of two nonlinear beings is virtually impossible, however, attempts are made and take form as education, religion, politics and so on.

There is a shortcut to the linearization of humans and that is the discovery of an objective cause or objective purpose, which subjugates the self to a higher cause that many can associate with. This is the purpose behind “corporate culture” or “mottos” in the army. It is the very same reason that you go through boot camp prior to entering our armed forces, by giving you a supreme purpose to your struggles, you begin forging bonds of similitude with your fellow kinsmen and a homogeneity is created.

Love inspires different faculties, yet works essentially the same way. By attaching two people to an objective third purpose, that bond becomes almost impervious to attacks. That bond is strengthened infinitely when that purpose is something Divine, an unyielding, unchanging conviction that this person is your soulmate as decreed by God.

Most people these days live on exceptionally superficial levels (usually by deluding themselves to believe they are “deep”), thus their love lives are flaccid and without passion or are marred by mundane, run-of-the-mill connections. This, for me at least, is another example of the linear/nonlinear dichotomy I’ve been preaching these last couple months. Until you are able to anchor yourselves to something that is truly unchanging (so not your “feelings” or “emotions”), your relationships will constantly be at risk for total implosion.

This leads me to my purpose for this post. As a young man, I am a very, very rare breed amongst my brethren. I take my relationships very seriously, perhaps too seriously, and I focus all of my attention on the one person who at that present time has my heart. I truly long for a lifetime bond between myself and that ONE woman, simply based on this statement: living your life for someone else.

I am a man. I am a breadwinner, warrior, soldier, captain, leader. It has been driven into my very psyche to provide and protect for my wife. My wife deserves the best man in me, every moment that we are together and even more so when we are apart. She deserves a man that carries her on his shoulders as if the ground were hot lava. In the same spirit, I deserve a woman who is my prayer warrior, my nurturer, my ground wire, my confidant, and my friend. Because this a partnership we should both depend on one another as if our lives were intertwined, for the simple fact that they are.

With those things as our framework, the foundation should go back to my earlier discussion on objective purpose. For myself and my wife, it will be our firm belief in God as our guiding hand thus effectively solidifying our bond.

To live your life for someone else is to relinquish the ego and to see yourself as dependent on your significant other, why else be with them? Why waste your life with someone who you feel you could be without. Do not listen to these philosophasters and idiots on television who will tell you to maintain your independence while trying to find true love, that is the antithesis of true love. You must give in, man and woman, with every ounce of you to your partner. They are your bondsman your bondswoman, they are your armor bearer, they possess the very keys to your innermost parts.

Anything else and you do not have the trappings of real love and I personally believe your relationship is in jeopardy. Even if you do last, I can almost guarantee that infidelity, dissatisfaction, and turmoil are frequent visitors to the both of you.

Living your life for someone else is to become a servant to the person that means the most to you in the entire known universe. Second only to God Himself, your significant other is the pinnacle of creation for you and everyday should be 24 hours of creating the world for you to enjoy with them, a way of thinking that surpasses the understanding of most young people.

I earnest importune all my readers to think about these things while you are out dating and falling in love. I guarantee you that these components, finding an objective purpose and living for that other person will add years to the vitality and fulfillment of your relationships.



The Spider and The Fly

What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly,
What is normal for the seeing is daunting for the blind,
What is normal for the land is banal for the sky,
What is normal for for one may not be what I desire,

I inquire, sweet lady, if I may titillate your senses,
For all your losses, may I be the one that recompenses,
The guard for your fences, The frame for your lenses,
I importune you, dear child, to let me be your defenses,

In the realm of love, many men are flies,
Impotent to a woman whose heart decides,
To pursue with passion a place by his side,
Inveterate coward, in his weakness does he hide,

Allow me to be your sky, your zenith, your high,
To ameliorate your scarred heart, to invite you inside,
The palace of true manhood and replace those who tried,
Rectification for all time lost, that is my desire.

Conversations On The Nature Of Being

Everything between the bounds of absolution is gray.

As a philosopher, I see philosophy everywhere. I’m that person in the middle of a party that asks a highly esoteric question just to feed my addiction with needing to know, even if that means confounding the mind of an inebriated 25 year old.

But what am I trying to know? Within this question lies the very constituents of existence; it is this question that hides and subsequently reveals the nature of all things. It is in the question that the right answers can be extricated. Lately I have been meditating heavily on asking the right questions because we live in a world full of answers, yet few of them are bringing about much illumination.

Absolutes are binary systems, one can either have this or they can have that. One is either alive or they are dead; one is either here or they are there and so forth. But when pondering the nature of existence, one inevitable sees that we do not live in a world that is solely absolute, but instead we are characters who have the right to interpretation. Interpretation is a subsequent step after choice and it is the essence of humanity. Yes, we have the right to choose, but we additionally have the gift to choose how to even make the choice. A staggering concept indeed.

Thus, conversations over the generations have questioned, to varying degrees, the levels of absolution and interpretation that truly exists. For instance, are we fated or are we in control of our lives? Let me put this inquiry to rest. They are both equally true, equally forceful, and equally important. Math is a derivation of the Divine’s ability to create; math is in and of itself a creation. Although it is facile to believe that math can explain the origins and eventualities of the universe, it fundamentally puts God in the box of our own ignorance. God, the Divine, is an unfathomable concept and as such He is able to exert several forces on existence simultaneous, even those that are logically irreconcilable. Fate and choice are two sides of the same coin because although He knows, He still allows us to be co-creators in our narrative, we still have varying degrees of freedom and we can influence the course of our lives.

Life itself, as a derivation of God, is supremely enigmatic and it does not need to make logical sense in order to make existential sense. This is the cardinal sin of the man learned in human affairs. We must engage in science, we must find higher orders of mathematics, we must absolutely engage in all manners of academic inquiry, but we mustn’t delude ourselves into believing we are the pinnacle of existence. We have knowledge, but the realms beyond are full of illumination..

Knowledge is created. Illumination has been here since the beginning. Knowledge can be changed by man. Illumination cannot be changed nor uprooted.

Illumination is the realization that things exist in planes we have not reached, knowledge is the belief that we have reached zenith.

Experience does not necessitate reality. Knowledge will delude a man into believing he has found the Truth, when he has only found a clue, a marker which is pointing him in a particular way.

Dealing with life then requires a certain finger-feel. Instead of relegating one’s self to the banalities of profane, exoteric thought, one must see life as a series of combinations and permutations, all exerting some force over the observable realms. Absolute boundaries may exist for man, but we will never reach them because within those absolutes in an infinite amount of space. This is the truth of the lemniscate.

Reality is a projection of sorts, a virtual realm, its effects are clearly felt and easily understood, but we have the power to alter it. We must alter it, that is the truth of evolution.

Understand that you are a sum of all your experiences and if you think only from your experiences you are drastically limited, for your experiences are few in the grand scheme of things. In order to understand life, don’t just seek out analogous bits of information, but instead work to wrap your mind around differing or even adversarial stances. This is the truth of objectivity.

You are a nonlinear being, yet in order for us to interact with one another, we must create consistent linear constructs. Constructs are the linear creations of nonlinear created beings and as such are fundamentally flawed. One must adopt a clear sense of the combinations and permutations in order to navigate these treacherous waters. If one begins to see the constructs (politics, religion, judicial system, language) as absolute reality, they have already imprisoned themselves. This is the truth of culture.

Divinely speaking, all things are possible through The Lord. Humanistically speaking, all things are possible through aggregate agreement. If you can get enough people to agree with something, social inertia is created and that concept will begin to take form. If an individual believes in something strong enough, inertia is also created and has the potential to exert a force and the reality of others and take form. This is the truth of faith.

Two people who find themselves abreast in this life and are willing to be armor bearers for each other are true friends. When that connection binds one heart to another, they are kin. When that connection reaches a point where no other alive can compare and even temporary separation brings despair, they are lovers. When that connection connects mind, body, and spirit under the aegis of the Almighty, they are mates. This is the truth of love.

To bring in any additional prerequisites to these “truths” is dangerous, for those are attempts at linearity. There are infinite ways to apply these truths to fit one’s life, hence our ability to choose and interpret. Nonlinearity is the wellspring of creativity and creativity is a gift from God; linearity is the wellspring of organization, yet organizations are meant to fulfill certain functions then pass away. Do no forsake your creativity for organization; do not forsake your creativity for perversion either.



Variance, Dalliance, And The Recognition That Its True

My emotions are slow to change,
But my willingness is is highly variable,
My emotions are based on passion,
But my willingness is founded on veritable,
Acts that act as beacons for trust,
And admit I must,
That the creation of us pivots on my views of you,
As an agent of veracity….

My capacity to love classically,
Has actively been undermined by faculties,
Of your predecessors who processes mimicked quite passionately,
The everlasting, steadfastly, classy passion that passes,
Between paramours freely,
I really, delved deep into the depths of dedication,
My reward was latent, yet blatant ignorance towards something so sacrosanct,
I was the sacked Saint,
Searching for salvation in the stillness of night,
Only to discover the dastardly demons of disappointment.

Now when nascent love flickers on the horizon,
I stiffen and siphon,
Rigid and silent,
I wonder of she’s an inviolate or the violet,
A beautiful hue or view into the trappings of the Almighty,
Schizophrenic I approach,
One side full of reproach,
The other I fully broach,
Topics of two beings ready to encroach.

I am afraid dear love of what I do not know,
Uncertainty is a cancer to my fallible soul,
And though I may feel so terribly strongly towards you,
My self rewards you glimpses of variance,
One moment I’m hot, the next I’m cold,
For my willingness has yet to be sold,
To you or any other bidder,
Never bitter, but the weariness in my heart must consider,
The images I see,
The images I perceive,
Thus the actions you receive are the chief,
Expression of reprieve to hide the fact that I don’t actually believe,
Not you, not any other connection as any more than abject dalliance.

So then, will I trust?
If you’re true, soon enough,
Yet until then, I am impenetrable bastion,
With a penchant for passion,
But a resentment for desertion,
Therefore, with incredible assertion I say show your worth then.
Show you’re true.
If we indeed be fated,
Then I will always know its you.


Pain is the illusory catalyst,
That many need to experience the apex of pleasure,
It is the existential purification,
Blissful designation
Of wisdom born from folly.

The lashes,
The stripes taken after a night’s terror,
Sting, raise, and swell,
And as one sits in the heights of immaterial anguish,
The eyes of the spirit are wholly dilated,
Senses violated,
Yet ones perception has never been sharper,

They are the archer,
Broken by the recalcitrant bow,
Yet stronger than ever.

Pain is the passing of weakness from the self,
Glorification emerging from the deepest of hells,
The shells of your past fails,
Are cast down,
And the crown of the Knower is set atop.
