bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Month: July, 2012

The Moments That Move Us

There are moments on this earth in which the air around you seems to come alive. The images transmitted onto your retinas intensify, the atmosphere thickens, and sounds reverberate in your ear with a certain purpose that transcends understanding. These are moments in our individual histories in which we felt most alive. Instances in which life, regardless of what we were going through, seems to shimmer as we reminisce on those times.

One such occurrence is that which I’ve been dwelling on tonight. For me, most of my poignant memories center around a song or whatever sonorous information was being picked up by my ears. This particular moment happened at the world class Pantages Theater on Hollywood Blvd. I was taking a Theater in LA course and the show of the night was a musical called “Spring Awakening” (very good play, I recommend it). Now I’m supposed to wear glasses, but for whatever reason (I think they were broken), I didn’t have them that night. I shortly found myself entombed in a world of sound that refused to unhand me. I was a willing captor.

Just before the Intermission, the main protagonists were about to embark on their maiden voyage into sexual exploration and suddenly this song began to rise from the periphery of the stage. I wished I had payed more attention during music theory lectures, however, the mellifluous chanting of “I Believe, I Believe, I Believe…” slowly inundated me.

“I believe, I believe, I believe
O, I believe
There is love in Heaven.
I Believe, I believe, I Believe
O, I believe
All will be forgiven…

It was such a incantation that it seemed to temporarily hypnotize me. I was pulled in entirely into the scene… But as I look back in retrospect it was much more than that. I was pulled in to the actual moment itself. As that song washed over my senses, they seemed to all activate, as if actualized by some unseen force. No longer in my chair, I seem to have a third person, omniscience about me. Every nerve ending, every ocular cell, every taste bud, every olfactory node, every square millimeter of my timpanic nerve suddenly experiencing synchronized action potentials.

Ecstasy as it were.

In conjunction with the stirring deep within my incorporeal man, I felt (and as I rehash the scenario feel) as if life itself had a deeper meaning. With every progression of the songs angelic chords, I was revitalized, reinvigorated, and most of all reminded that life was best expressed by these ephemeral moments of existential oneness. Its almost as if my spatiotemporal self and my intangible self aligned perfectly, allowing the only physical and metaphysical expression to be sheer joy.

It was beauty.

I hope all of you experience happiness like this, whether triggered by music, a movie, or even the one you love. The felicity found in those moments make even the hardest day seem insignificant.


Be: The Man

Be the man you’d want your daughter to date,
The man that puts as much effort at the finish line,
That he did at the gate.
The man whose soul’s fire burns hot with desire,
Harmonious chords,
Mellifluous like it was borrowed from angelic choirs,
One who inspires,
Never bringing straits dire,
To the one he loves;
But instead gives adoration that take flight like flocks of doves,
Put no one above,
Save He who put she in his heart of hearts,
She becomes his better part,
So that they can enjoy a better life.
Be the man that husbands,
So she can effectively be the wife.


Ghosts in My Midst

I’ve been writing to your amorphous, incorporeal
Existences for years now,
Because my fantasies were more stirring
Than reality’s concrete.
I wrote to your beauty’s,
I wrote to your companions,
I wrote to your soft kisses in the twilight,
I wrote to your smooth skin on mine,
You were better than the factual,
Better than the actual, practical assessment
Of romance in this realm.
With my words,
I rhapsodized with heavy intent,
Wrote the extent,
That the extant plot of the daily,
Barely got me through.
I wanted you,
The sub-natural creatures tha traipse through my mind’s I,
To find I,
Then bind we,
To what I can only describe as sublime.
Yes, I can always find the time for the phantasms,
My being must’ve written essays that could fill chasms,
Our trysts ephemeral & eternal,
Internal, yet paradoxically external,
I could feel your prickly energy,
Licking at the nerve endings,
Spiking synaptic sessions of supreme serenity,
Ghosts in my midst.
I wrote you because of who you represented,
The spirit of the youthful love I used to pine for,
Yearn for,
Learn more,
About my being so I could earn more,
Of your essence.
Ghosts in my heart.
The imagination gone wild with aesthetics,
Relational diuretics,
You ran through my condition.
You were my perdition,
Because I could never die to my griefs,
Stuck in your limbo hoping reality caught up to these
Romantic relief’s.
Ghosts in my midst.
I loved you because I could love no living soul.
I loved you because you were the sealant to this hole…
You were my coping mechanism,
So I favored you like nepotism,
The pain of tangible love lost,
Anesthetized by your hazy tendrils.
Ghosts in my midst to take the sorrow away,
Ghosts in my midst to ensure tomorrow’s day,
Ghosts in my midst so I can love again,
Ghosts in my midst so I can live again.


Loving Fearlessly: Hurt People Hurt People

Hurt people hurt people. I first heard this adage in Gnarls Barkley’s song “Would Be Killer” and its something that I’ve periodically meditated upon without much intensity. But as my peers and I hurtle into what can only be described as “legitimate adulthood”, I still see remnants of immaturity that is nothing less than toxic to our fragile social framework. To exacerbate circumstances even further, the elder age brackets are often the one’s promulgating these terribly caustic philosophies.

Back to the statement: “hurt people hurt people”. Those that are broken, will directly contribute to the breaking of others. Why? Because no matter how much we try and elevate ourselves, misery does in fact love company. Furthermore, and the more insidious culprit is the principle of causality. Cause & effect in layman’s terms. Because a cycle of shameless self absorption and shortsightedness was initiated hundreds of years ago, each subsequent generation has found themselves steeped in an emotional mire which has grown exponentially.

Now with the advent of technology we have an entire globe of people, especially young people, trading theories from severely damaged emotional centers.

As I was reading my Twitter timeline I came across a tweet from a very popular account. The tweet broke my heart. “Never get too attached to anyone because attachments leads to expectations & expectations leads to disappointments.” This post perfectly captures the emotional state of mainstream culture, at least from my perspective. An existence marked by shallowness & fear. One where duplicity is standard because no one wants to get hurt. An existence that is #1 culprit in our dismal dating arena.

Just take a second to think about the implications. This clearly hurt person is advising other people to avoid hurt by avoiding intimacy. I don’t mean intimacy in terms of sexuality, but intimacy as far as deep connections between two beings. In order to avoid what they clear see as inevitable disappointment, they are counseling people to avoid everyone. The statement isn’t: “be judicious about your associations” or “be careful who you give your heart to”, but “never get close to anybody.

Fear is our kryptonite. It is the human condition’s Achilles’ heel. Although all sin’s originate from insecurity and inferiority, fear is often the wings on which they are borne. Fear of intimacy is what is clearly being described. That close, intimate interpersonal connections will begat disappointment. Disappointment is the most pointless of all human emotional experiences. It negates so many of life’s lessons because the person is so caught up in what didn’t happen. But the fact of the matter is, what did happen was something to be enlightened by, even in all of its discomfort.

In my recent post “Love Fearlessly”, I said that the only way to find love is to love harder. I am promulgating that belief once again. Our world is comprised of emotional pussies (pardon my French). People who are so damn terrified of pain. To add insult to metaphysical injury, we are also in a generation of pathological liars. The “I don’t give a fuck” mentality is peddled interminably, but we are some of the most sensitive humans in recorded history. That fact that so many of us have clammed up is a testament to our sensitivity, yet instead of facing the world unafraid, we don shields of pseudo arrogance and apathy and proclaim how much we don’t “give a fuck”.

Young people generally fall into 2 categories: emotional survivalists & emotional dreamers. Survivalists are those who have been hurt and exhibit all the behaviors I’ve described in this post. The truth is, survivalists permeate the older age brackets as well, it is their counsel and demeanor which have led to survivalism be so prevalent in their progeny. Dreamers are those who are foolishly optimistic about matters of the heart, yet have not formulated a plan as to how their fantasies can be secured. Once hurt, dreamers inexorably become survivalists, carrying out the bare minimum, avoiding vulnerable intimacy, and proclaiming their impractical gospel of pain to the masses.

Okay Bryce as usual you’ve described a problem, well what do you posit as a solution? In all honesty, people need to wake the fuck up. If the masses are all experiencing the same problem, within the same population, then the solution lies within the group described. We have all the tools to combat emotional frivolity and create an environment salubrious to healthy intimacy. We must first abandon — no burn — the ideas that detachment, superficiality, and paranoia are conducive to human evolution. This is nothing but fear rearing its ugly head. We must realize that pain is temporary but fulfillment is forever. The fear of abandonment or rejection is understandable, but it is also the stumbling block of emotional health. You MUST love your partner, family, friend, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend as if it is your last day together. That if they chose to walk out the door tomorrow, you would be satisfied regardless. It is that love that breeds 50 year marriages and forges inseparable bonds. It is that emotional fortitude that combats the abject condition we have allowed our emotional perspectives to deteriorate to.

Love takes courage, while fear requires nothing but insecurity. Not many of us are brave but everyone has a measure of insecurity. If you allow that measure to act unchecked, fear will consume you. It will make the illogical, logical. It will tell you that you can experience satisfying love from behind the walls of detachment. Or it will tell you that love doesn’t matter. Fear will take God’s blessings and replace them with the world’s content and you’ll completely miss some of the most beautiful things in life. Fear will steal your joy and capture your hope.

The goal for every thriving human being should be balance. Balance physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. The emotionally balanced person is not a survivor nor a dreamer, but an emotional warrior: fearless. The warrior goes into battle willing to give his or her life for the cause. Willing to die for what they believe….

How many of us are willing to take an arrow for love? Lose an arm for intimacy? Die for attachment? Not many. We are much more comfortable walled up in our supposedly impregnable fortresses, swearing its the safest option.

I’d rather die fulfilled than live fearful, so I plan on loving each person I find myself attached to like I’ll never see them again.
