bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Month: May, 2013

Tragedy of Identity: The Cultural Aggregation

Over the last few weeks I have been immersing myself in literature dealing with a variety of subjects from behavioral economics to avant-garde art to strategic resource allocation. I tend to do this because it hedges against one of the most pervasive behavioral biases inflicting mankind: the tragedy of identity. The tragedy of identity is a series of motives, thoughts, and actions that lead a person to believe they are confined by a perception of who they are. For instance, if someone begins to identity with being an ‘asshole’ they tend to align themselves with concepts, people, and actions that reinforce that notion. Under these pretexts, the individual builds a persona in an attempt to maximize her or her place in society.

When I say maximize, I am not talking about any sort of upward mobility, advancement, or tangible gain, but achieving harmony with the social environment at large, a phenomenon commonly known as “happiness”.

While on the pursuit of happiness, many individuals will find themselves thwarted by a rather overwhelming force; paraded around as being innocuous, the effects of this force are as life altering as any seen on this planet: culture. Culture in this instance are the social underpinnings, normalities, rules, status quo’s, conventions, and agreements made by a society at large, which serve as the reference point for all behavior. Culture is natural because socialization is natural; we are unable to ward off the need to be accepted and synergistic, we crave human interaction. Ergo, we begin compromising and assimilating, discovering the “best practices” in order to preserve the delicate and sometimes precarious fabric of a human interfacing.

From here it is a slippery slope into groupthink and all sorts of diminution of individuality. The tragedy of identity reveals itself in this context as the need to maximize utility by fitting in; few people are comfortable being the black swan

Have you ever in your life sat alone at night dreaming of a life of luxury? During that reverie, did you fashion yourself a regular Howard Hughes or Wright Brother? A modern day Ghandi or Martin Luther King, Jr.? In other words, did you see yourself breaking the status quo in order to achieve unprecedented success, fame, or popularity? When you were in high school did you conceive yourself being admitted to an Ivy League or being recruited by a top Fortune 500? For our tech laden generation, have you imagined a glorious IPO in which your exit garnered hundreds of millions — maybe billions — of dollars? Do you look at Larry Ellison or Bill Gates and fancy yourself on their level?

Then the next morning you got up and all of that lofty thinking disappeared right out the window. You put on your regular clothes, brushed your regular hair, got in your regular car, and arrived at the regular time at your regular job. After all you are simply an average citizen, all the self help books in the world can’t rewire that. You turn on the news and you hear the same old doom and gloom: the world is at unrest, the incumbent political regime is waning, poverty on the rise. Enter the conspiracy theories about elitist cabals and the odds stacked against the common man. It is an absolute circus trying to find positive individuality. SO you settle back in your routine, you retreat to your dreams when you can, and fully embody the identity you have haphazardly crafted over the years.

Culture is a collective, an aggregate, not unlike the celestial bodies in space. As we all know, the more mass an object has the more gravity is exerts. Thus, objects with large masses ‘trap’ smaller objects with relative ease, while smaller objects struggle to do the same. Look at individuality and society thought the same lens, while you may be able to concoct an absolutely spellbinding narrative about your own life and success, chances are you will succumb to the tremendous gravity of conformity because at the end of the day few people are prepared to be a pariah.

Few people are willing to be ridiculed for their precious dreams. Few are willing to be hungry, shelterless, while little to no strategic alliances. Few people are crafty enough to challenge convention in a manner that persuades, instead the devolve into ad hominem attacks, prejudice, and defeated discourse. Few people actually believe in the totality of their dreams, instead they are driven by the ever elusive Nirvana, a place to escape their worries. They forget that whether you are talking about the Elysian Fields, Valhalla, Heaven, The Garden of Eden or any other location of paradise, prices had to be paid in order to get there.

Successfully finding individuality and integrating it into society is paradise on earth, that is the very moment when a man is at his most sublime. You can blame the media, the Illuminati, the president, the Fed, the white man or whomever on your inability to thrive, but this is at the crux of your unhappiness. There have been a myriad of oppressive moves made by governments and hate groups that have stunted the movements of people, but they are easily outmaneuvered by those who believe in their dreams, those who believe in the flexibility of their identity.

Do no be trapped by culture, do not be trapped by the illusion of “you are who you are”. You are whoever you choose to be and although the odds are stacked against you in terms of genuine expressions of self being accepted, those expressions are the ticket to fulfillment.


History’s lens is far more powerful than 20/20,
Panoptic in nature,
The Truth of the moment,
Is voided by the breadth of occurrence.
In its objectives, subjectivity’s diminution is protracted,
Facts are exacted,
Lies partially redacted,
And the Present Man’s eyes are given clarity.

Be True, Dear Traveler

Lies are often told in the moment,
Because the agent has too much too lose.
Pride — no ego — rarely focuses on the past,
And the future, well the future is circumstantial,
The present is the crux,
The present is the pivot,
Thus the concupiscence, fatal attraction,
To momentary satisfaction,
Far too often wins out.

Protect thine heart dear woman,
For this moment is fleeting.
Watch her words fly as her lips lie about where her heart lies,
A quick glance at her flitting eyes,
Ooh yes child, those mirrors to the soul,
They’re fixated on the goal of never letting go,
Relinquishing of her pain,
Sees little to gain,
So listen to her words fall in vain.

Protect your loins, strong man.
For this instant is fleeing,
Eyes watch you, waiting for you to be in,
Well over your head, lost in water good as dead.
Mutter those non truths, dear friend.
Tell them of your bravado, your capability,
Tell them of your conquests,
Denounce the detractor,
You are the light refractor,
Bend the Truth to your will.

All lies are truths in other worlds.
Be true dear traveler.

What is a man without Complement

Part of being the best man you can be,
Is finding the things that further your purpose.
What is a great man, without great complements?
What is a loyal man, without virtuous woman?
What is the hard worker, without gainful employment?
What is a ship without water?
— nothingness.
A man’s strength lies within, yes,
But he is sharpened by efficacy within his system.
He is given life within his circumstances,
Whether by Divine decree or inclined ready,
Belief in the choices he sees,
His fire is stoked by the variables.
Masculinity roosts in the arms of femininity,
Productivity borne in the hearth of work.
His hands, his mind, his heart,
All testaments to his environ.

Reality, Be True

It’s really real,
It’s really happening — no it’s not.
It’s really important,
It risks a shattering — no it doesn’t.
Flattering how time & space
Perceived through the eyes of dual natured creatures,
Gives rise to absolute features,
Yet absolution is as fleeting as the complexity it tries to unravel,
How unnatural the illusion of “real”.
Real is what you make of it,
Illusion for the sake of it.
Fulfillment what you take from it.

Human Nature

I think it’s natural for a person to sit back and consider his or her place in the universe. Tautology un-intended, it’s also natural for a person to avoid it all together. It is very intimidating to think about the sheer immensity of the sun, which happens to be a minor player as far as stellar existences go. I mean, super massive black holes, quasars, pulsars, supernovae? And infinitely expanding universe? Hard vacuum of absolutely nothingness juxtaposed next to interstellar clouds…

One of my critiques of western religion has always been is geocentricity; because of the timing of its inception, it has always only been concerned with matters of terra firma which unfortunately is only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of what makes up this realm we subsist in. My musings tend to focus around the massiveness of All Things (an irony in an of itself, how can one’s mind focus around something approaching infinity, but such is life).

However, from the most minuscule to the most gargantuan, everything that has ever been put into place has an inimitable purpose. Life in the animate realm is bound by two parameters: birth and death; within these boundaries we are expressed as Divine Math, infinitude existing within the finite. Our minds are the exact same way, we have these brains, these physical representations of higher sentience, whose parameters are partially known, yet our potential is virtually unlimited.

We are microcosms of the universe at large.

Although we may be but flickers in time and space, the moments when we are on earth, we are as massive, as grandiose as we allow ourselves to be. Man is unique in that he is not defined by determinism or indeterminism, he is bound only by choice: if he believes in fate, he has no control; if he believes in agency, he retains creative control.

The brilliance of God Himself etched into our DNA.

Where we sit in the universe is peculiar; even the bible says that we are little ‘gods’. We are not the expressed divinity and holiness of Yahweh, but instead 3-dimensional emanations capable of sculpting this realm. We are the authors, God the editor and publisher. Most philosophy and theology has failed over the years because it is rigidly axiomatic, unyielding in its propositions. Yet life is more akin to strategy: it requires a certain commitment, yes, but with the fluidity and flexibility to give rise to differentiation.

There very little universality in existential pursuits. What is true for me, may not and often CANNOT be true for you, but both must exist in harmony for the sake of our species survival.

Super massive black holes are often the brightest objects in the sky, even though their very nature is predicated on the notion that no light can escape from its overwhelming gravity. These are the paradoxes that we must grow to accept, inalienable truths that paint a portrait of a universe without limits, yet bound by the ‘rules of engagement’

Man is a little universe.

What If

What if we could accurately predict,
The effect every present moment would have on the future?

How glorious that would be, 20/20 foresight,
Significance personified,
Self evident in every passing instant.

Love supreme, when two amorous eyes meet,
Riches indeed, wolf on Wall Street,
Sleight of hand, flight of man,
The magic of existing taking our species to unprecedented places.

A Good Man’s Heart

A man’s heart is nothing to play with,
Something to slay with seems to be the perception
Most women play with,
Broken hearts and broken dreams,
Reams streaked with streams,
Of dried tears shed from these queens,
Their kings abandoned their thrones,
At a moment’s notice so it seems.
He flirted with the sovereigns of other nations,
Such blatant disrespect pushed her patience,
Now her stations broadcast words cynical,
The cyclical, typical, physical emanation of critical
Postures towards love.
The bad man fucks over the good woman,
Now she’s a “bitch” at the flip of a switch
Confronting the good man….
But a man’s heart is nothing to play with.
A virtuous man’s heart is something you stay with,
Something you pray with, gray with,
Embark on a journey of faith with.
Just face it, if you traced it,
Back to the origins and spaces,
His graces & charms & arms are genuine reflections,
So don’t judge his collections on past connections,
Flawed predilections,
Truth is in his words, sincerity in his actions,
Destiny is in his eyes and with that satisfaction.
