bryce's labyrinth

Pondering the absurd, the ambiguous, and the admirable.

Category: Love

Masterful Creation

You are the quintessence of visual splendor,
The preferred vendor
Of aesthetics and tender
Caresses upon the eyes,
A bender,
A physical anomaly in time & space,
A lender,
Of temporal trysts with beauty’s face;
I become a sender,
Of constant adoration,
Incessant admiration,
Your existence; my ceaseless inspiration,
My every sinew’s undulation,
Vibrates at frequencies,
With such elation,
If ever I experience trepidation,
Experience has taught me,
Your designation as my sunlight,
Eliminates all consternation.
Sweet child, sweet child,
I pledge allegiance to your nation,
And await the sensation,
Of arms wrapped tight around
This perfect creation




As my friend recently said:
Dudes want to be swept off their feet too.
Et tu…
You as well.

I want to be stuck in place,
Jaw agape,
Struck immobile by a form as her.
I want my head swimming,
Lost in the waters of possibility,
I want to drown…
In the deepest desires of my soul
A deepening of my role
I want to know Felicity.

I yearn for love at first sight.
The incongruous hardened heart of masculinity,
Does not reflect my own.
I crave a form that speaks indelibly to my immaterial man,
Grips me,
By the same sinews crafting that cotton skirt,
Wrapped precariously around supple thighs.
I plead for the mind which entices me,
A formidable opponent in conscious joust,
Synapses firing sending signals to full lips,
Entreating me to pull closer….

Eyes like windows into a soul deeper than the mighty Marianas,
Delving fathoms beneath the palpable crust,
As lips draw closer, I am swathed in the garments of trust.
Fingers long and gentle,
Hold me, touch me, soothe me,
Imbue me,
With a sensation that makes my blood simmer,
Plasma glows.
Wild tangles of hair,
Luminesce celestially against a raging fireplace.
However the bonding warmth is skin against skin.
Soul against soul.

I am enraptured.
I am ensconced…
Enveloped in a pocket of passion.
It was love at first sight.
It is love at first touch.
It will be love at first kiss.



We Are

She is.
A soul searcher,
Praying archer,
With arrows demolishing the invading marcher,
A sweet believer,
Goal achiever,
When my heart was lost she was my sweet retriever,
My spirit’s seeker,
My favorite speaker,
Mellifluous voice makes my heart pound quicker,
I love her presence,
She is beauty’s essence,
She is the pinnacle form of perfection’s quintessence.

I am.
The first of many,
To pierce her heart,
The first to know the end from the start,
Of her bits of crazy,
I know this lady,
I see her clearly when her motives are hazy.
I am.
Her soul’s protector,
The never neglect her,
When she’s broken to pieces I am the shard collector,
To put her together,
Hold it tight with my arms,
I am the one who needed no deceitful charms,
The one who won without illegal harms,
When I entered her fortress there were no klaxons no alarms.
I am.
The man she prayed for,
The man she stayed for,
Paired herself to virtue the one she cares for,
And I will love her forever more.

We are.
Destiny realized,
Like real eyes,
Gazing upon a miracle in real time,
I feel lines,
Drawn between us like romantic atlantic keel lines,
We hold fast,
Tethered to dreams like sails upon the hull’s mast,
They carry us,
Never tarry us,
Because when I’m by her side I swear these feelings can marry us,
So I bury crust,
And dirt, and mud, and soot from my past life,
And I pass life,
A voucher asking for a vast life,
Because we are,
The last of dying breed,
The last of sighing seed,
Of trees,
Who crave love like sunshine to leaves,
We are those who never leave,
Those who suddenly,
Cleave to the sleeve,
And plan to never bereave,
We will long before don greaves,
And chest plates, and helmets,
Swords will we wield,
And shields,
Yes we will take to the fields,
To wage war on desolation..
We are.
Each other’s consolation,
Clustered together like constellations,
She is the incarnation of my patience,
Since I waited day after night for her.
We are.
Prayers answered,
Oh love divine.
We are
Because I am hers
And she is mine.


Interlude: Morning Glory

we speak of beauty implicitly.
as if each and every one of had the right to choose,
an aesthetic which we adhered to.
i feared you.
you cleared me….
me, my conscience.
for when my spirit cried out in utter jubilation,
it was your face which my blessed nation,
lifted up loving words in admiration,
sweet child if you only understood what you are shaping up to mean,
i gleaned myself from the foolishness of yesterday
yet in every way you exemplify that which i yearn for
she who i will go out and earn for,
she who i burn for,
she who i churn for,
she who i would go to war for,
so i go to battle with my past.
to fight the demons who seek to cast doubt on love so pure,
so sure sometimes am i that this will all be for not
that somehow this chain was wrought and doomed from the start…
but alas a far off distance i see the banner of her soul risen above the horizon,
morning has finally come and love has finally come findin’
morning glory.
morning glory.


Interlude: The Dialogue

When you release, Young Man,
The pains of yesterday,
You will experience happiness like no other,
You are turned off by everyone else’s druthers,
I understand, but my brother,
Take the hand of the brand,
Of persons who actually have much to offer,
One’s whose hearts can double as coffers,
And you can place your love and know that it will never diminish.

Sir, I hear you and my trust I wish I could replenish,
I see the resplendent joys of finding myself dependent,
But more evident is seeing myself as a defendant,
In some future time as our love bows to love crimes,
And I’m crying trying to figure out how I missed the signs,
Or my soul’s literally a hole,
And I have no smoldering coals,
Just snow like I just escaped the poles,
Seems like disappointment and let downs are too likely afoot,
And the foot that I give those seems sullied by soot,
From a disingenuous fire from which I dangled from a malicious hook,
Praying to the good Carpenter from the good book…

Look, you can’t judge your future through lenses of your past,
Nor can you run freely if you insist on the aid of a cast,
And you are so quick to cast,
Rocks down on concepts on people so you never let them last,
And you’re plagued by your impetuousness since you move so fast,
You are a genuine gentleman,
A man after God’s own heart,
Yet the grime that you don’t cleanse,
Makes you smell from the start,
And you fell off the chart,
After one too many “I fell too hard for hers”
And you broke yourself into shards for hers,
Would fly to mars for hers,
Furs, myrrhs, hell you’d captured the stars for hers,
Cursed do you find yourself in contrast to people,
You’ve climbed a self righteous steeple,
And created a duality out of reality.
You have become comfortable in your paradox,
You are a pair of socks,
Content with never putting on,
So that soul (sole) can never be warmed.
Trust again son.
Love again son.
Before you know it, you’ll know the one.
